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Staff:   Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad 

Apologies(Marika Konings, staff)

**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**


Proposed Agenda: 


1. Welcome & Roll Call

2. Discussion of MRT Functional Analysis

3. Discussion of MRT Structural Analysis

Notes & Action Items:




DIscussion MRT Functional Analysis

Discussion MRT Functional Analysis needed to resolve issues around overlap between MRT and CSC

Proposal still in flux awaiting closure of public comment, not pre-empt on outcome of public comment and its impact, at the same need to fill in details.

Detail RFP process details, require to fill in 


Question: once the MRT  membership is selected, almost independent or should reach out and infomr broader community to infomr them of what is happening

Response: reperesentatives are slected as rerpesentives of their stakeholder communities, and report back to stakeholder community.. Different models of representation: from free agent (completely autonomous) to fully instructed by stakeholder group that selects person.

Question: should way of representation be refected in charter of MRT? 


Consultation process by MRT,needs to be considered and defined., seek input from broader comunity: basicly open, in particular around major decisions. Take into account what needs to be achieved to define need for broader consultations. When a decision is made, public consultation are needed (principle)

DIfferentation of decision to determine need for public consultations


IANA Budget topic

  • ICANN is IANA Functions Operator, hence function is financed by ICANN. IANA Functions Budget to be reveiwed by MRT
  • Budget review and administration of IANA  by MRT should be seperated. need for publication of budget by Board 
  • IANA Budget review process for future consideration 

Annual Review

  • Performance review No comments on Performance review text
  • Budget review: : publish budget. Review of budget 
  • need for consultation of  IANA budget? 
  • IANA function budget to be


Issue instruction to Contract Co item


RFP process: 

To be discussed mandortory RFP on only when needed> to be discussedd later

Comments: What are costs associated with MRT and how will be funded? Discussion to be held later ( not functional), should also include discussion on magnitude and way how community will deal with budget.



Address any escalation issues rasied by CSC

Missing component other entities (for example GNSO or ccNSO)  standing to complain with MRT. Who monitors policy implementation and may complain. Refinement with regard to policy, meant is processes.  Issues of process/service degradation is missing. Need to avoid rigid rules of having standing with MRT.

Address  issue that community may bring issues to the MSC. 

Policy developments bodies are entities to monitor and complaint

Individual TLD opertor could alert SO, with regard to isues on implementation.

CSC could/ should beenabled to inform SO adn AC's

Suggestion to include policy implmentation persons in CSC

Need for communication channels, in case of seperation



MRT to Perform some elements of administration currently in IAAN Functions

No Comments first bullit (C.2.1.2)

C.3.2: Secure systems notofication


General comment: general interest byoperators in reporting. Ensure publication of reports, also to allow CSC to review operational reviews.

Action: compare and delineate roles of CSC and MRT with regard o review of reports

C.4.1 annual program review, genesis of MRT. NTIA schedules one yearly site visit currently ( confirmed)

Suggestion to limit/ reduce site visit to reduce costs. Also questionable who should do site visit ( CSC or MRT)

C.4.4 Tagged as going to MRT. no comment

C4.5. Colloborate annual Customer Service Survey. No Comment

C 4.6. Fina report IANA OPerator. No comment

C 4.7 and C5.4.. Active monotoring function upon receipt. No comment

C 5.2. receive annual report. Question: only MRT or only CSC, both CSC and MRT, only upon escalation. Suggestion only  MRT., Annual report


question should all reports listed still  be published?  Need to provide a rationale for change. Action take to the list


C.5.2. No comment. logic ally for CSC

C5.3. Annaul audit report. for MRT no comments, 

C.6  Contiune 

C.7 Continue

General if yearly function MRT



Furhter consideration of Specific MRT Functions


To be fully discussed at nexxt meeting

Explenation of headings

How is IAAN Performance taking place?

Porcess concerns



Next call Monday 22 December, 14.00-16 UTC

Group to look at Section 3 Further Consideration

Group to continue structural analysis CSC

Discuss Composition of MRT and related decision processes of MRT. 



Close of call at 15.54 UTC


Transcript will be posted here when available


The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
