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Members: Wanawit Ahkuputra; Jaap Akkerhuis; Donna Austin; Graeme Bunton; Fatima Cambronero; Olivier Crepin-Leblond; Eduardo Diaz; Avri Doria; Lise Fuhr; Robert Guerra; Erick Iriarte; Paul Kane; Elise Lindeberg; Vika Mpisane; Greg Shatan

ParticipantsGuru Acharya; Carolina Aguerre; Paradorn Athichitsakul; Wale Bakare; Martin Boyle; Becky Burr; Mark Carvell; Alissa Cooper; Phil Corwin; Stephanie Duchesneau; Amr Elsadr; Lars-Erik Forsberg; Tomohiro Fujisaki; Chuck Gomes; Alan Greenberg; Don Hollander; Tony Holmes; Stacey King; Yasuichi Kitamura; Mwendwa Kivuva; Wolf-Ulrich Knoben; Pitinan Kooarmornpatana; Brenden Kuerbis; Cheryl Langdon-Orr; Allan MacGillivray; Camino Manjon-Sierra; Kieren McCarthy; Desiree Miloshevic; Sivasubramanian Muthusamy; Seun Ojedeji; Plamena Popova; Leon Sanchez; Matthew Shears; Maarten Simon; Peter Van Roste; Suzanne Woolf; Jiankang Yao

Staff: Grace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Berry Cobb; Marika Konings; Bernard Turcotte; Theresa Swinehart

Apologies: Jonathan Robinson; Byron Holland

**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**




1. Welcome & Roll Call

2. Notes from last meeting & Review of action items

    - Update on progress to date

    - Update on summary of subgroup 3 discussions

3. Second reading of Principles   

4. Third and final reading for Proposal on how to structure the work


5. Status on work – subgroups    


6. Any other business

    - Update on the Drafting Team for Accountability CCWG

7 Summary of action items and agreed items

Notes & Action Items 4/11



1. Welcome & Roll call

Action staff: send out calender invites for all meetings in 2014

Rapoteurs RFP 1-2B appointed by the ub-groups

Rapporteru RFP 3 will most likely to be appointed on call 6 November


2. Action items

All completed,

additional information email staff: discussion  summary discussion on options. 


Project plan 

Activties CWG, purpose to track activites of CWG

Will be send every week to inform mebers and particpants on progress of the CWG.

If questions realting Project plan sent them to the list


3. Second reading Principles

Call for discussion on principles on-line, no comments etc. 

Introduction by Martin Boyle on principles/ criteria as basis to test proposals

Document is intended as strawman, for discussion 

ccTLD bias, developed in context of CENTR European ccTLD regional Organisation



Service levels , including decision aginst policy

Redress mechanism


Comments from today and next 48 hours on line will be consolidated in next version by Martin

Action Martin Boyle: consolidate comments in next version to be shared with group and for discussion in Frankfurt


4. Third and final reading Working structure

Addition to RFP 3, not intended to split the work, but to ensure items will be covered.

No further comments on line or during the call, hence adopted


5. Status Work of Subgroups

Draft on RFP 1 and RFP 2A open for comments  and questions by the full group. To be submitted on email lists


Sub Group RFP 1 report

Presentation Chuck Gomes ( rapporteur)

Structure: RFP 1 2A and 2B: basis for RFP 2A and RFP 2B i.e. RFP 2A and @B will refer back to RFP 1


RFP 1, follows structure of ICG RFP

All rpovide comments on RFP 1


Includes differntiation and delineation of  functions for ccTLDs and gTLDs 


Subgroup RFP 2A report 

RFP 2A critical for RFP 3

Modification of title: (IIA).

Some Principles and Guideliens imprtant for context.

Sources of policy are identifiesd in table, for some additonal comments are included

Refernece in the foornotes to documents


Exisitng arrangements

Table shows main and supplemental sources


Details to be proividd on process steps for delegation and redelgation of ccTLDs and gTLDs


Action all: review RFP 2A and provide feed-back and input. Staff to track changes under auspicies of RFP 2A group


Comments on-call RFP 2A

Table format easier to present intricacies of gTLD delegation and redelegation process

ccTLD first presented in narrative format, will be re-formated in table format as well


Subgroup RFP 2B report

RFP 2B realtes to current accountability and oversight mechanism

Provide input for RFP 2C and RFP 3


Subgroup RFP 3 report

Creating a starting point for RFP 3 work


Thursday 6 Nomber 90 minutes call 14.00 UTC- 15.30 UTC.

Action RFP 3 sub-group members: seek rapporteur


Other groups ( RFP 4 and 5) also to seek rappoterus an dinform 




Cross Community on Accountability

Drafting Team for Accountability CCWG has delivered a proposed charter to SO/ACs for adoption. Hopefully, all chartering organizations will have adopted the charter and sent out a call for members/volunteers by the end of November.


Interpretation at F-2-F meeting

F-2-F wil be treated similar way , same tools. Translation of transcript avaialble. Regularly 3 days


7. Summary action items

  • Action staff: send out calender invites for all meetings in 2014
  • Action staff: sent project plan update in advance of all next calls, update standing item on agenda
  • Sub-team RFP 3 to appoint rapporteur and inform Grace
  • Sub-teams RFP 4 and 5 appoint rapporteur and inform Grace
  • All to provide comments and feed-back on Strawman Pirinciples in next 48 hours
  • Martin Boyle to conolidate commetns in next version
  • All provide input to email list on RFP 1
  • Staff to consolidate comments in next version 
  • All provide comments on RFP 2A
  • Sub-team to complete RFP 2A, and send out by end of this week 
  • Staff to consolidate comments




Documents Presented
