CWG-IANA Stewardship-Naming Related Functions_20141102.pdf
Chat Transcript
Grace Abuhamad:Welcome all! The meeting will start in 20min.
Martin Boyle:Hi all!
Bernard Turcotte:waiting for the opetor
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hey 0100 here :-)
jaap:jaap akkerhuis Joined RSSAC (from the Ripe in Londo)
Greg Shatan:@Cheryl - that's really the top of the morning....
Kieren McCarthy:Good morning all
Sivasubramanian M:Good Morning to everyone
Elise Lindeberg - GAC:Hello - late in Busan :)
Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone
Erick Iriarte:hi.
Lise Fuhr:Hi Cheryl that is late I hope you can stay awake
Wale:Good afternoon/morning everyone
jaap:I'm in a noisy place so will be n mte most of the time
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:situation normal for ICANN calls. yes I do
Robert Guerra:HI all.
Camino Manjon:Hello everyone
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):I am here but have lost audio. I will try to re-connect.
Avri Doria:i di dnot hear my name
Seun:I did not hear my name too
Philip Corwin:Good morning all (or whatever time it is for you). Regrets that I must leave this meeting after 1 hour to join anther ICANN WG meeting.
Grace Abuhamad:@ Avri, @Seun, @Allan, @Phil -- noted
Matthew Shears (CDT):Morning
Grace Abuhamad:I will post this to Wiki as well
Eduardo Diaz - ALAC:Is there a link to the tiemtable?
Grace Abuhamad:@Eduardo, I will post it now and send the link
Robert Guerra:Can calendar invites be sent for future calls/meeting. That way it's in our calendar
Grace Abuhamad:@Eduardo: It's now on the meeting page under the "documents presented" header: https://community.icann.org/x/DizxAg
Grace Abuhamad:@Robert -- I send calendar invites to every individual of the CWG for each meeting
Seun Ojedeji:@Robert i think i usually receive calender invite in the past
Robert Guerra:i mean for - all - the meetings in advance. I think , and may be mistaken, that invites sent for just netx mtg
Chuck Gomes (RySG, Verisign):Berry: Note that there is one subgroup for 1, 2A & 2B and a separate subgroup for 2C.
Seun Ojedeji:oh...okay, i think i get your point @Robert that can be helpful also
Berry Cobb:@Chuck. Thank you. I kept them separate from a deliverable perspective, but we do not that they are technically one sub-team.
Grace Abuhamad:@Robert -- I understand now. I can do that
Berry Cobb:not (sp) [note]
Alan Greenberg:Very difficult to hear,
Fatima Cambronero:I cannot hear correctly to Martin
Matthew Shears (CDT):sound is quite poor
Bernard Turcotte:Martin is faiding in and out for me
Bernard Turcotte:sounds like he is too far from the mike?
Robert Guerra:is there a way to call Martin at his hotel?
Brenden Kuerbis:DIal in?
Robert Guerra:usually dial in/out is better
Kieren McCarthy:I can hear but it sounds like Martin is falling asleep. Presumably exhausted in Busan?
Chuck Gomes (RySG, Verisign):@ Berry: Two subteams for 1 & 2; one for 1, 2A & 2B; a separate one for 2C with a different rapporteur/coordinator.
Alan Greenberg:HAndset may be better than headset
Wale Bakare:May be stop and retry the dial up
Greg Shatan (IPC/CSG/GNSO):+1 to Kieren
Graeme Bunton - RrSG:meeting invites are appreciated.
Bernard Turcotte:much better
Matthew Shears (CDT):not sure about others but sound is still cutting out
Elise Lindeberg - GAC:I have sent draft cwg principles to the GAC - expecting feedback on them in the process of finishing the GAC principles
Avri Doria:so we are accepting oversight as a principle? assuming my comment was not a correct one?
Robert Guerra / SSAC:@matthew - i called in via dial in, sound a lot better
Elise Lindeberg - GAC:cant get the mic function on - just a comment - i will send it later to the list instead
Elise Lindeberg - GAC:seems nothing is working soundwice in Busan
Seun Ojedeji:I think you missed an item
Seun Ojedeji:item 4
Matthew Shears (CDT):Re: principles - seems to me that further discussion needs to be had on to whom or what the IANA fucntions operator should be accountable to.
Lise Fuhr:Seun we did this item when we were waiting for Martin to connect
Seun Ojedeji:Okay @Lise thanks for the clarification
Martin Boyle:Thanks Matthew: useful. Have you any thoughts?
Fatima Cambronero:is this document in the Wiki?
jaap:It will be good to refer directly to ISO 3166 (prt-1)
Matthew Shears (CDT):@Martin - will post to list - thanks.
Grace Abuhamad:Yes @Fatima: https://community.icann.org/x/UQ3xAg
Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Grace!
Grace Abuhamad:latest upload (2 Nov)
Elise Lindeberg - GAC:the .int/arpa has been forwarded to the GAC - and then back to me and Wanawit - we will have a discussion on feedback to cwg, but this needs to go through the GAC for comments before we respond on it
Philip Corwin:Very impressive and informative background document. Chuck.
Matthew Shears (CDT):+ 1 - excellent
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):I have lost audio - am I the only one?
Alan Greenberg:@Phil. yes indeed!
Alan Greenberg:Still have audio here.
Alan Greenberg:On both bridge and Adobe
Robert Guerra - SSAC:great doc/summary. Overview & history is mentioned in ssac advisory 67 - https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-067-en.pdf -
Grace Abuhamad:Yes Allan -- you may want to reload your AC room
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):Its back now, but Chuck keeps cutting out. But is fine now.
Lise Fuhr:@Allan I think it Busan audio...
Graeme Bunton - RrSG:Apologies, need to move to another WG meeting now.
Philip Corwin:Farewell all -- must depart for overlapping PPSAI WG call
Erick Iriarte:well see you, i'm going to spanish webinar for ccTLDs
Erick Iriarte:see you
Robert Guerra:chuck - agree that task at hand is developing possible future options for 2.6. Would ssac 067 be a possible additional reference that documents part of the current process
Kieren McCarthy:Column missing for Administrator
Amr Elsadr:Hi. Apologies for being late. I was on another call that just ended.
Kieren McCarthy:Sorry, Maintainer
Kieren McCarthy:That missing column is my mistake
Seun Ojedeji:Welcome Amr
Stacey King, GNSO (Amazon):I apologize, but I need to drop off the call. My kids' schools don't accept ICANN calls as a reason for tardiness - :). Thanks to all the presenters.
Eduardo Diaz - ALAC:I recommend that we use the same format as the one previously presented.
Robert Guerra:eduardo - agree. makes it easier for comparison of different entities involved & role
Kieren McCarthy:FYI the reason for two different table structures is that we ran out of time in the editing proess in order to get the document to the broader CWG in time
Eduardo Diaz - ALAC:@kieren: Thank for the clarification
Robert Guerra:got it. great wrk btw
Kieren McCarthy:The information is all correct - as far as I am aware - but the format is not tidied up
Becky Burr:good morning, apologies for joining late
Robert Guerra:curious if board reconsideration appeal fits in any of the DRP's listed
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):Well done Chuck and Kieren.
Robert Guerra:+1 to allan's comments
Rudi Vansnick:great work, very understandable, an enrichment of my knowledge of IANA functions
Lars Erik Forsberg:Great job!
Avri Doria:can we have it unsynced now that the talk is done?
Grace Abuhamad:@Avri -- done
Avri Doria:thanks
Fatima Cambronero:+1 great job!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:excellent work...
Kieren McCarthy:To sum up very broadly: delegation in gTLDs - relatively simple; delegation in ccTLDs - much more complicated
Seun Ojedeji:Now that Chucks is done, I ask to be excused leave early to enable a fiarly long drive home to be ready on-time for another meeting. It was also a pleasure being part of the group as it was quite informative and educating for me. Thanks
Mark Carvell:hello all - sorry i'm late - just came off a gac-gnso call.
Wale Bakare:That is a nice one . Maybe RFP2A and RFP3 can work on the critical aspect of verification and validation.
Chuck Gomes (RySG, Verisign):@ Robert: Section 2B will address existing oversight and accountability options like the reconsideration process.
Chuck Gomes (RySG, Verisign):@ Kieren: What are referrring to as Administrator?
Kieren McCarthy:My mistake Chuck - I meant Maintainer
Kieren McCarthy:corrected myself right after
Amr Elsadr - GNSO/NCSG:I'd also prefer that Thursday's call be pushed back a couple of hours.
Chuck Gomes (RySG, Verisign):@ Robert: Please send your suggestion re. SAC067 to the full CWG list.
Robert Guerra:chuck - will do
Kieren McCarthy:What I would be interested in hearing - if it is possible - is a summary of what the big deciding topics are that have emerged in the past week on the list
Chuck Gomes (RySG, Verisign):@Kieren: Yes. We had maintainer in earlier versions.
Amr Elsadr - GNSO/NCSG:There is a motion to adopt the charter on the GNSO Council's agenda for next week's meeting.
Grace Abuhamad:Here is link to the DT Charter: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/49359098/Enhancing%20ICANN%20Accountability%20FINAL%20-%20Clean%20-%20Charter%20-%20updated%203%20November%202014.docx?api=v2
Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Grace
Marika Konings:The proposed charter includes specific provisions to ensure co-ordination with this CWG and avoid overlap in relation to scope.
Fatima Cambronero:thanks
Robert Guerra:chuck - my comments quickly just sent to the list.
Mark Carvell:Draft CCWG charter has been circulated by the GAC chair for quick turnaround and a decision on GAC membership in the CCWG - maybe 5 regional members.
Robert Guerra:have just sent quick comments that posted here on chat to the mailing list.
Alan Greenberg:Rather unfortunate that there is no interpretation given that the ICG has such extensive interpretation.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:indeed
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thanks good call... excellent work from the SG's
Chuck Gomes (RySG, Verisign):Thanks Lise
Bernard Turcotte:bye
Avri Doria:bye. thanks
Amr Elsadr - GNSO/NCSG:Thanks all. Bye.
Sivasubramanian M:Thank you Bye
Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:thanks
Robert Guerra:bye all
Fatima Cambronero:thanks all. Bye
vika mpisane:Thanks
Martin Boyle:bye
Elise Lindeberg - GAC:bye bye
Peter Van Roste - CENTR:When will the latest version of RFP 2A work be available on teh wiki?
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):Good night, morning everyone.
Tomohiro Fujisaki:Bye!
Lars Erik Forsberg:hej da
Wale Bakare:Bye
Paradorn Athichitsakul:Byeee
Mark Carvell:Martin: GAC is now reviewing and finalising its principles document for input into CWG.