The WG is using this worksheet to build each risk-scenario -- so what you see here is an evolving template. This is a way to see the whole methodology on one page -- a useful introduction/overview document, in addition to being a tool that the WG is using to create "compound sentence" risk-scenarios.
Results from the 5-April-2012 conference call-- > DSSA - Risk Scenarios v4.xls
12-April-2012 -- > DSSA - Risk Scenarios v4v5.xls
Stage 1 -- Risk-scenario worksheets developed and managed by WG members
This section will be used to post the individual risk-scenarios created by members of the working group (so this list is likely to get fairly long). These are drafts developed and managed by individual members that may go through a number of revisions before they are "promoted" to Stage 2.
JS1 - DDOS Attack --> DSSA - Risk Scenarios --- JS1.xls
RM1 - Disgruntled employee --> DSSA - Risk Scenarios --- RM1.xls
RM2 - Combined effect of nation-state blocking policy and configuration error --> DSSA - Risk Scenarios --- RM2.xls
RM3 - Combined effect of nation-state alternate root, cyber terrorism and DNS hacking --> DSSA - Risk Scenarios --- RM3.xls
RM4 - Combined effect of large-scale outage --> DSSA - Risk Scenarios --- RM4.xls
Stage 2 -- Risk-scenario worksheets supported by the DSSA