At ICANN61 the ICANN Board and the RSSAC engaged in a discussion about threats to the Root Server System (RSS) and how the ICANN Board could respond if threats to the RSS materialized. The RSSAC took this input back to the Root Server Operators (RSOs) for feedback. Since that time, the RSOs have published a document that outlines security risks and mitigations to the RSS and general methods used for mitigation.
The RSSAC would like to formally endorse the work of the RSOs on Threat Mitigation for the Root Server System. Furthermore, the RSSAC regards the ICANN Board's request for input fulfilledForemost of importance for the RSSAC is that future KSK rollovers be done in a consistent, predictable and deliberate manner. Thus, the RSSAC welcomes this opportunity to comment on subsequent KSK rollovers, and would like to thank IANA for preparing this plan and submitting it for public comment.