Please find my acceptance for the position of the NPOC Membership Chair for the Executive Committee. I humbly accept Sam Lanfranco’s nomination for the position of NPOC Membership Chair. Seconders/supporter are Martin Pablo Silva Valent, Klaus Stoll and Olevie Kouami I became the part of the NPOC Executive committee in October 2014 as the Membership Chair. I am passionate about solutions that enables civil society to perform within their missions and mandates. On a personal level, I believe in fairness, collaboration and dialogue. I am an independent thinker, who will address issues head on. I am a lifelong Social Entrepreneur by profession, as well as the President & CEO of the Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities, a civil society organization focus on cultivating sustainability and resilience. If elected, I will continue to update the membership database, and increase the inreach/outreach activities to better communicate with the members of NPOC. I, Joan Kerr, declare that: - I am an active member of NPOC, and that if elected, I consent to serve.
- I do not have any pecuniary or conflict of interest with ICANN