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Public Comment Invited: Enhancing ICANN Accountability Process




Forum Announcement:Comment Period Opens onDate:6 September 2014
Purpose (Brief):

Due to both the critical crossroad ICANN is at now and the considerable work that needs to be done to achieve the anticipated IANA Functions Stewardship Transition, ICANN has launched a 21-day Public Comment period starting 6 September 2014, to consider the Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Governance Process posted on 14 August, in conjunction with the stewardship transition.

The decision to post this comment period is based on 3 factors:

  1. A request from the community for more time to discuss with their constituencies the process posted, allowing for a broader consideration of the process before moving ahead.

  2. The emphasis made by the U.S. government at ICANN's Town Hall Meeting at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Istanbul that the enhancement ofICANN's accountability mechanisms be narrowly focused on those related to the IANA Functions Stewardship Transition, that is reiterating its focus is on the changing historical contractual relationship with the US, and that both the transition and accountability processes be delivered simultaneously by September 2015 when the IANA contract expires.

  3. Consideration of recent questions submitted by ICANN community leaders, requesting clarification on several issues concerning the posted process.

The Enhancing ICANN Accountability mechanisms will remain operational through this comment period but will not address the substantive issues of enhancingICANN accountability in the absence of the U.S. Government contract until the end of the 21-day public comment period. Any changes to the process structure instituted following the 21-day public comment period will be implemented accordingly.

Your participation is important.

In light of the opening of this public comment period, the first meeting of the Cross Community Group, announced for 15 September 2014, will proceed as an informational call.  No chartering or Coordination Group selection will occur during the informational session.

Public Comment Box Link: