- Paragraph 11 (pg 2-3): community standards to guide Board members. There was support on WP1 to remove the community standards from the text. Intention of paragraph 11 is not impose any restrictions on the powers of Board members.
- Action: reiew review the wording of paragraph 11, possibly to remove the part of the sentence "and the expectations which..."
- Action: Clarify 6c
- Action: Restructure document with paragraph 6 repeated separately after current paragraphs 4 and 5, in order to reduce any confusion
- Action (staff): Provide information on the Statement of Interest
- Action: reiew review the wording of paragraph 11, possibly to remove the part of the sentence "and the expectations which..."
- Action: Clarify 6c
- Action: Restructure document with paragraph 6 repeated separately after current paragraphs 4 and 5, in order to reduce any confusion
- Action: make language more explicit for NomCom and diversity requirements
- Action: (Steve and Chairs): capture needs to be addressed in Stress Tests (with regard to caretaker Board)
- Action: (WP1): make sure that liaisons are unaffected (by the removal). Advice from Sidley: Technically liaisons are not "members" of board or "directors"; they are persons that regularly participate in a non-voting capacity in board meetings
- Action: (WP1) to consider the petitioning requirements and clarify these
- Action: revise language to make sure that ALAC is not given special rights
- Action: add the word "simple" to majority in first bullet in paragraph 2
- Action: Cheryl to confirm discussion in Paris with regard to NomCom
- Action: revise text to clarify CCWG position on Human rights. Human rights have been part of this group's deliberation. CCWG is willing to work on this and will not put the issue on the back-burner. The reference on international law is understood to be a reference to human rights as well (indirect). We are working on changes to ICANN's paperwork (there is currently no reference to human rights)