The audio recording is available here:
Proposed Agenda
1. Scope of this Working Party, WP1
2. Work Plan and Working Methods
3. Scope Powers and Mechanisms
4. Volunteers
5. Any Other Business
1. Scope of this Working Party, WP1
Triggered / Non-triggered were suggested by CoChairs in Singapore.
WP1 is non-triggered group
WP1-WP2 coordination needed on triggered / non-triggered
Move AoC reviews to Bylaws to make them non-triggered
Triggered by whom? events, individuals
ACTION ITEM Jordan to touch base with Becky to OK lists
2. Work Plan and Working Methods
Volunteers needed to populate templates
Powers and mechanisms are different - distinction needs to be described - suggestion to have name of the power listed in title, instead of mechanism
ACTION ITEM Jordan to discuss with coChairs and WP2
Flexibility in filling out templates - not requirement to have all of the sections filled out
Roelof - 1 A,B,C
Steve - 2 A,B,C,E
Matthew - 2 A,B,C,D,E & 5A
Fiona - 2 A,B,C,D,E
Keith - Jonathan - Editor
Keith - 5 A,B
Kavouss - 2A,B,C 5B-2
ACTION ITEM Volunteers to provide input on how templates work
ACTION ITEM Staff to put template into google doc
ACTION: Staff to circulate Wiki tutorials to CCWG
Action Items
ACTION ITEM Jordan to touch base with Becky to OK lists
ACTION ITEM Jordan to discuss with coChairs and WP2
ACTION ITEM Volunteers to provide input on how templates work
ACTION ITEM Staff to put template into google doc
ACTION: Staff to circulate Wiki tutorials to CCWG
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript