- Communication
8. AOB
9. Closing remarks
Notes CCWG meeting #12 (Thursday, 12 February)
Item 1. Welcome, roll call & SOI
No updates
Item 2. Input received during the week
ASO. Discussed with the NRO AC.
1. any proposed solution should not be a delaying factor for IANA trans
2. simple with minimal change
3. not interfere wont the IANA number function
4. not interfere with the consensus based decision of the operational
ALAC no formal discussion. Pleasure speed of work. AFRALO statement (Aziz
Hilali) (see CCWG meeting #12 page
Accountability mechanisms should be
1, base don MS approach including genre and other diversity
2. must be implemented once adopted
3. avoid bringing ore changes to the organization
4. preserve the MS modeled, make sure the community remains accountable
5. no prove of one party of anther
6. preserve the security and stability of the Internet
Must be mindful of cost
Mindful of not creating excess bureaucracy
GAC. From Communique
"1. GAC Members will continue to work within the CCWG to develop the
proposals for enhancing ICANN¹s accountability, with reporting back to the
GAC and guidance on major issues from the GAC as a whole;
2. The GAC will work to identify particular issues for governments as both
individual or collective participants in any new or enhanced mechanisms;
3. The next stage of the GAC input to relevant work streams will include
public policy principles that could guide development of any new or
enhanced accountability mechanisms;
4. The GAC will contribute to the work of the CCWG towards a consensus
proposal for submission to the ICANN Board.
Both processes will have the highest priority for GAC inter-sessional
work, the GAC being mindful of the updated timeline."
CCWG ccNSO members engaged in an information session. Some concerns
raised, not necessarily a position of the ccNSO:
1. need for complicity and not adding complexity
2. risk of adding bureaucracy and paralyze ICANN
3. case where ICANN might relegate a ccTLD outside policy
4. need for coord with the CWG
5. one member expressed the view that the CCWG was in wrong direction,
and shield reconsider its approach
CCWH co-chairs engagement with the 2 advisors here Jan Scholte and Ira
need for simplicity, that the outcome will be widely read and so needs be
easily understandable
inclusiveness of the ICANN model should be on our radar as a key goal.
Legal contingencies,
Financial contingencies
Input on the scoping document from Jan Scholte, Willie Currie and Nell
ACTION: to update the scoping document to reflect input from expert
GNSO briefing
- Engagement session
Feedback suggests CCWG in control and asking the right questions
Input (ICANN Fellow) keep accountability procedures and improvements as
simple as possible. How to create simple and precise accountability
Canadian remote hub: include recommendations from the At Large Summit,
London ICANN meeting (this has been done)
- Other sessions
Item 3. WP1 / WP2 way forward
New slide deck on working process (see CCWG Meeting #12 page
https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=52233188). To
explain how the work of the group was sticking together
There is a difference between doing something simple and doing something
Principle and bylaws: there are some things that won't fit in the bylaws.
The process presented is consistent with the messages from the community
which were strongly in favor of simple clear processes. And appreciated
the graphic representation.
Concern that it was rapidly moving in the direction of a solution
A skeleton to enable the minimal changes we need to move forward
GAC. Presentation triggers a few questions: What is the role of
governments in all this. And underline the importance of inclusiveness.
Presents a clear story of what we are doing
About feedback. To archive simplicity might not mean making minimal
changes. More effective mechanisms might mean a significant program of
change to leave the organization better off.
Care that not everything may fit in the boxes, it is a story-telling tool,
and not prejudge ongoing work.
Contacts are the only truly binding acc models to date and not captured in
the diagram.
Chairs' intention was to guide you through the presentation
Not just bylaws buy bylaws policies contracts. Not just about splining the
board. Escalation only if all other fails. Role of governments, not
included as proscriptive to single out any particular stakeholder.
Suggestions on how to organize our work:
Based on the straw man document.
ACTION: Take the input of WP1 straw man and adding to wiki
Refer to standard rather than principles. Creating and normative
statement of how we want the community to inter-related.
WS1 is before the transition, WP1 and WP2 may need to disappear and wrap
the work into the new recipe and templates.
Start work early on mechanisms on how the community empowered.
A consistent community structure that exercises these powers, ensure
consistency in structures.
Item 4. Legal group update
Legal sub-group met, Robin Gross holding the pen to draft the first scoping document on questions for external legal advice
Item 5. WP-ST progress
review of the 5 stress test examples
Test 14. Termination of the AoC by ICANN or NTIA.
ACTION: are the existing remedies adequate to support this stress test?
Test 16. Does ICANN engage in programs that go beyond ICANN's narrow mission. A non-trigger action might be to reject that part of the budget.
Or, a trigger action to prevent an action. And would require a bylaws amendment.
ACTION: are the existing remedies adequate to support this stress test?
ACTION: for test 16, for the group to consider the positions in the assessment, the rapporteurs to note that the mechanisms for approving
ICANN's variable fees and amend the stress test example.
Test 22. ICANN Board fails to comply with the bylaws.
How does the community react to Board inaction. For example if IANA is not functioning, and the Board is not taking action, what is the remedy?
6. Timeline
Update on the next call
7. Next steps
F2F Information in a few days, coordination call with the CWG chairs.
8. AOB
9. Closing remarks
Action Items
- ACTION: to update the scoping document to reflect input from expert advisors
- ACTION: Take the input of WP1 straw man and adding to wiki
- ACTION: are the existing remedies adequate to support this stress test?
- ACTION: for test 16, for the group to consider the positions in the assessment, the rapporteurs to note that the mechanisms for approving ICANN's variable
fees and amend the stress test example.
Action Items
Documents Presented