Members: Alan Greenberg, Athina Fragkouli, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Eberhard Lisse, Fiona Asonga, Julia Wolman, Leon Sanchez, Mathieu Weill, Olga Cavalli, Par Brumark, Robin Gross, Roelof Meijer, Sebastien Bachollet, Steve DelBianco, Thomas Rickert, Tijani Ben Jemaa
Participants: Alain Bidron, Andria Beccalli, Avri Doria, Barrack Otieno, Bob Takacs, Caitrin Dwyer, David McAuley, Finn Petersen, Greg Shatan, John Poole, Keith Drazek, Laena Rahim, Lars Erik Forsberg, Mark Carvell, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Olivier Muron, Pedro Ivo Silva, Phil Buckingham, Rafael Perez Galindo, Sabine Meyer, Stephanie Duchesneau, Thomas Schneider, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Vrikson Acosta, Wolf Ludwig
Staff: Adam Peake, Alice Jansen, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings
Apologies: David Maher, Rudi Daniel
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Proposed Agenda:
Action Items
TranscriptTranscript will be posted here as available
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
1. Welcome & roll call & SOI
- SOIs are still missing.
Action item:
- Upload/update your SOI using the wiki
2. Update from interactions with CWG
- Response to CWG has been circulated. CCWG is now expecting feedback.
- CCWG-CWG leadership discussed how the groups may align thinking in terms of timeline, overall plan.
- CWG will issue a progress report in anticipation of Singapore
3. Preparing Singapore
a. Reminder of sessions / logistics
- Remote participation is available for all sessions
- Rapporteurs: join Co-chairs on stage during engagement session
- Thursday session will be also used to recap various messages received during week
Action Items:
- Encourage your communities to attend the engagement session
- Staff to post updated list of sessions on wiki
- Rapporteurs to confirm availability to join Chairs during engagement session
- Staff to assemble number of sessions where engagement with communities will take place
- Working Parties to send meeting requirements (if any) as soon as possible
b. Agenda /topics for Board meeting
- Topics for session with Board include: timeline; how CCWG proposal will be handled, any anticipated reasons why a proposal/part of a proposal might be refused, and the anticipated process following any such refusal; update on two WPs (communication empowerment - Review & Redress)
- Meeting with the Board will be posted on the meeting schedule along with remote participation details.
Action Item:
- Co-chairs to ask for Board expectations and to coordinate with Bruce Tonkin (Board liaison)
- Circulate proposed agenda to list
c. Review of engagement material provided before meeting
Action Item:
- Read compilation of documents/information in preparation for Singapore sessions and identify any gaps
4. Update WP1/WP2
a. By rapporteurs
- WP1 has begun analyzing the mindmap and collecting requirements of inventory against identified mindmap requirements.
- 4 suggestions for structures that would empower the community were catalogued: 1) ad hoc SO/AC; 2) permanent community WG; 3) statutory members; 4)Supervisory Board
- Initial draft will be shared in advance of Singapore
- The WP is looking into scheduling a call to discuss modus operandi and establish a calendar of work. The WP indicated that an end date on WP work would be useful. End of March 2015 was flagged as the expected delivery date.
Action item:
- Robin to send synopsis of a Bylaws mechanism
- WP2 is trying to organize its first call/meeting - a doodle poll will be circulated.
b. Update stress test WP
- The wiki page captures the 25 contingencies merged into 5 different groups. A table serves to track where contingencies are. ST-WP will potentially hold a meeting in Singapore.
- Proposal to run stress tests against mechanisms - determine whether prevent consequences of stress test or mitigate/react
c. Ideally, discussion around first set of answers to the contingency questions
- Proposal is to start with stress tests and determine how the existing mechanism reacts and how envisioned mechanism would react.
- Suggestions of a gap analysis approach and an Exist & sufficient - Exist & insufficient approach were made.
Action Item:
- ST-WP to provide draft examples in anticipation of Singapore discussions to understand what is meant by stress tests and collect feedback
5. Legal advice update
- The task force has tarted building questions that should be asked to legal experts and awaiting questions from working parties.
- A shortlist was requested from CWG (awaiting reply); the group is coordinating with CWG on California law restrictions.
- Outcome will be shared with the group as soon as received.
-The CCWG welcomed advisor Lee Bygrave.
6. A.O.B
The following desired outcomes for Singapore were identified:
- Share advancement of work (WPs, requirements, contingencies
- Ensure we receive feedback from community, assess, adjust (as needed)
- Ensure timelines are appropriately synchronized (including with ICANN Board)
- Make substantive progress during two work sessions
- Ensure we are aligned with community's thinking
7. Closing Remarks
Action Items:
- Be prepared for Singapore (agenda, invitations)
- Read all documents
- Keep respective groups informed of progress
- Continue debates on mailing list
Action Items
- Upload/update your SOI using the wiki
- Encourage your communities to attend the engagement session
- Staff to post updated list of sessions on wiki
- Rapporteurs to confirm availability to join Chairs during engagement session
- Staff to assemble number of sessions where engagement with communities will take place
- Working Parties to send meeting requirements (if any) as soon as possible
- Co-chairs to ask for Board expectations and to coordinate with Bruce Tonkin (Board liaison)
- Circulate proposed agenda to list
- Read compilation of documents/information in preparation for Singapore sessions and identify any gaps
- Robin to send synopsis of a Bylaws mechanism
- WP2 is trying to organize its first call/meeting - a doodle poll will be circulated.
- ST-WP to provide draft examples in anticipation of Singapore discussions to understand what is meant by stress tests and collect feedback
- Be prepared for Singapore (agenda, invitations)
- Read all documents
- Keep respective groups informed of progress
- Continue debates on mailing list
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript