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SSC Assignment Overview

The SSC has been tasked with reviewing candidates for the GNSO representatives on the Pilot Holistic Review and recommending candidates for nomination to the GNSO Council. The SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion for confirmation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC to the GNSO Council by 18 July 2024 at the latest.

Under the new Bylaws, each SO/AC will have an opportunity to nominate up to seven applicants to serve on the Review Team. After SO/AC nomination process concludes, all nominations will be provided to the SO/AC leaders to conduct the selection process for the Review Team according to the specified expertise and geographic and gender diversity from the nominations received.  The Review Team may contain up to 21 members, plus an ICANN Board member (designated by the ICANN Board).

From the Bylaw Section 4.6:


(C)If any Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee has not nominated at least three prospective review team members, the Chairs of the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees shall be responsible for the determination of whether all 21 SO/AC member seats shall be filled and, if so, how the seats should be allocated from among those nominated.





SSC Selection Process Timeline

19 June 2024Expressions of Interest deadline
20 TBD June 2024EOIs received by Standing Selection Committee (SSC)
20 24 June 2024Selection Process Kick-Off Meeting
24 June - 03 July 2024SSC will review the applications received and rank these taking into account the skills and experience required
08 July 2024The SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion for confirmation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC to the GNSO Council
18 July 2024Consideration of motion and approval of candidates by GNSO Council during GNSO Council meeting
