Notes/ Action Items
Action Items: - GNSO Secretariat staff to ask Tech Support to update the permissions for the candidate materials page.
- Staff to determine whether SSC members can skip questions in the candidate poll: DONE – Questions can be skipped.
- Staff to open the candidate poll.
- SSC members to complete the poll by COB Tuesday, 11 July.
Notes: - Welcome and SOI Updates
2. Review of upcoming SSC assignment and selection process: a. See: GNSO Alternate Non-Registry Liaison to the CSCand below. Overview/Questions: - CSC has decided to allow Alternate members.
- There were some issues with Milton Mueller missing meetings so there was identification of a gap (later established that there was a technical issue with Milton).
- GNSO Council assigned to SSC.
- Same process as SSC used for selection of Milton, so not a new process.
- Term doesn’t start until October 1 (this is a CSC determination, not Council), but good to get the process completed as soon as possible.
- Put a placeholder motion on the July Council meeting agenda and fill in the name when the selection process is complete – also could be moved/deferred to the August agenda.
- There was one candidate – John Gbadamosi – call for EOIs ended on 21 June.
- Question: With only one candidate should we extend the call for EOIs? Answer: It’s not surprising that there was only one candidate – this is a position that requires specific skills and experience. Not likely that an extension would generate more candidates and, in any case, that is a Council decision to make.
- Question: Once the GNSO Council adopts the selection, can that person start attending meetings? Answer: Per the CSC the Alternate Liaisons’ terms start 01 October.
- Question: Is this a process to select the Liaison? Answer: The current Liaison is Milton – his term is not expiring and he has indicated that he wants to stay in the position; this selection process is for the Alternate Liaison.
b. Preview candidate evaluation poll. - The poll is the same as we used for Milton.
- The candidate materials are on a closed page (SSC members only) --- we will take the action to check to make sure you all have access.
- Question: If we don’t know the candidate and so can’t answer a question can we skip it? Answer: Staff will test and see if questions can be skipped (DONE—they can).
- The poll is brief so we think about a week should be enough time.
c. Next Steps: See Key Dates below. - Note that next week’s meeting to review the candidate poll results and make the selection is Wednesday, 12 July at 1400 UTC.
- If the SSC agrees on a selection there will be a 24-hour period on the list for non-objection and then the motion for Council consideration will be updated with the name.
- The meeting time does not conflict with the SubPro IRT.
Key Dates: 21 June 2023: Deadline to submit Expressions of Interest 27 June 2023: SSC notified of new assignment 05 July 2023: SSC meeting to review assignment/preview poll; launch poll on candidate 10 July 2023: Motion Deadline for July GNSO meeting (submit placeholder without name) 11 or 12 July 2023: Poll closes 12 or 13 July 2023: SSC meeting to discuss candidate (Additional meetings possible, if needed) 20 July 2023: GNSO Council meeting vote on candidate (24 August meeting if more time is needed)
Candidates (SSC members may access additional materials for the selection process here) John Gbadamosi