Assessment Category | Rating |
The Participation climate within the WG where: 1-Highly Ineffective means inhospitable, unilateral, frustrating, unproductive; and 7-Highly Effective means inviting, democraticinclusive, accepting, respectful, productive | |
The Behavior of WG members where: 1-Highly Ineffective means disruptive, argumentative, disrespectful, hostile, domineering; and 7-Highly Effective means accommodating, respectful, collaborative, consensus-building | |
The Decision-Making Methodology (consensus)where: 1-Highly Ineffective means broken, ignored, not observed, disrespected; and 7-Highly Effective means honored, followed, observed, respected | |
The Session/Meeting Planning (Agenda) where: 1-Highly Ineffective means disorganized, haphazard, unstructured, untimely notice; and 7-Highly Effective means organized, disciplined, structured, timely notice | |
Comments about the WG's Processes: | (Free-form Text Box) |