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In the next three sections (II, III, and IV), you will be asked to rate the EFFECTIVENESS of each dimension; the scale interpretation will be provided appropriate to each element.

II. Norms and Operations

Thinking about the overall EFFECTIVENESS of the Working


Group's Norms and Operations, how would you rate each of the following elements on a scale where 1=Highly Ineffective and 5=Highly Effective:
Assessment CategoryRating

The overall Participation and Collaboration environment Participation climate within the WG where:
1-Highly Ineffective means any/all of the following: closed, inhospitable, unaccepting, dominated/controlled by one or few participants, unlilateral, frustrating, unproductive; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following: openinviting, inviting, accepting, most/many participating equally, productivedemocratic, accepting, respectful, productive

The Behavior of WG members where:
1-Highly Ineffective means any/all of the following: disruptive, argumentative, disrespectful, hostile, domineering; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following: accommodating, respectful, collaborative, consensus-building

The overall Representativeness of the Working Group where:
1-Highly Ineffective means any/all of the following: narrow, skewed, selective, unbalanced; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following: broad, diverse, balanced


The overall Decision-Making & Consensus Methodology Making Methodology (consensus)where:
1-Highly Ineffective means any/all of the following: broken, ignored, not observed; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following: honored, followed, observed

Comments:(Free-form Text Box)
III. Logistics and Requirements
Thinking about the overall EFFECTIVENESS of the Working


Group's Logistics and Requirements, how would you rate each of the following elements on a scale where 1=Highly Ineffective and 5=Highly Effective:
Assessment CategoryRating

The overall Session/Meeting Planning (Agenda) where:
1-Highly Ineffective means any/all of the following: disorganized, haphazard, unstructured, untimely notice; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following: organized, disciplined, structured, timely notice


The Communication/Collaboration Tools provided to and utilized by the WG where:
1-Highly Ineffective means any/all of the following:  difficult difficult, challenging, clumsy, awkward, tedious, slow, not helpful/useful; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following: easy, straightforward, clear, efficient, fast, helpful/useful 


The Briefings and Subject Matter Experts provided to the WG where:
1-Highly Ineffective means any/all of the following: inappropriate, untimely, not helpful/useful; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following:  appropriate appropriate, timely, helpful/useful 

Comments:(Free-form Text Box)


IV. Products and Outputs

Thinking about the EFFECTIVENESS of the Working GoupGroup's Products and Outputs, how would you rate each of the following elements on a scale where 1=Highly Ineffective and 5=Highly Effective:

Assessment CategoryRating

The Achievement of the Working Group's primary Mission where:
1-Highly Ineffective means not accomplished per the Charter; and
5-Highly Effective means completely accomplished as directed

The Quality of the WG's outputs (a.k.a. deliverables) where:
1-Highly Ineffective means incomplete, inadequate, seriously deficient/flawed, unsupported; and
5-Highly Effective means any/all of the following: complete, thorough, reasoned, supported
Comments:(Free-form Text Box)


Please feel free to provide any additional comments about your Working Group experience,
this Self-Assessment, or any other matter not covered elsewhere in this questionnaire:
(Free-form Text Box)

