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Notes/ Action Items Action Items: Notes: 1. Welcome a. Results of ranking of recs 1, 2.3 and 3 have been communicated to the CCG b. Status update provided to the GNSO Council c. Work plan status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h38SgFeOdwumE7fUjLu4mB0CcXnwoncUpICqp_qINnk/edit#gid=0 [docs.google.com] - Should look familiar; shared at last meeting. 2. Review status designations: a. Overview of status designations – See CCOICI WS2 Background Briefing - 25 March 2022 at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuQVN4zbz4zBYlZM4Mtfac7lj2j2dlna/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103865008760080873867&rtpof=true&sd=true. Provided some definition to facilitate discussions. • "Complete": Recommended action/decision is completed by the GNSO Council b. CCOICI feedback / questions - Olga and Constituency and Stakeholder groups can provide guidance/feedback on the designations to the CCG. 3. Continue review of diversity recommendations (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wVZSfLAigSLoHFO87Lio7yEm73H7CXj/edit [docs.google.com]) 1.2. Recommendation 2: Each SO/AC/Group should identify which elements of diversity are mandated in their charters or ICANN Bylaws and any other elements that are relevant and applicable to each of its levels including leadership (Diversity Criteria) and publish the results of the exercise on their official websites. - Staff assessment is that this is complete. See Section 11.3 of the ICANN Bylaws at https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en#article11.3.b : Clear diversity language and that the stakeholder groups have the responsibility. Discussion: Does the CCOICI agree with the staff’s assessment? ACTION ITEM: The CCOICI agrees that 1.2 Recommendation 2 is “Complete”. 1.3. Recommendation 3: Each SO/AC/Group, supported by ICANN staff, should undertake an initial assessment of their diversity for all of their structures including leadership based on their Diversity Criteria and publish the results on their official website. - GNSO Council does not have this responsibility. Up to the SG/Cs to select their representative. Discussion: ACTION ITEM: The CCOICI agrees that 1.3 Recommendation 3 is “Not applicable for action”. 1.4. Recommendation 4: Each SO/AC/Group should use the information from their initial assessment to define and publish on their official website their Diversity Criteria objectives and strategies for achieving these, as well as a timeline for doing so. 1.5. Recommendation 5: Each SO/AC/Group, supported by ICANN staff, should undertake a regular update of their diversity assessment against their Diversity Criteria and objectives at all levels including leadership. Ideally this update should be carried out annually but not less than every three years. They should publish the results on their official website and use this information to review and update their objectives, strategies, and timelines. - Would seem to apply to 1.4 and 1.5 too, that these are the responsibility of the SGs/Cs and not of the GNSO Council. ACTION ITEM: The CCOICI agrees that 1.4 Recommendation 4 and 1.5 Recommendation 5 are “Not applicable for action”. 1.6. Recommendation 6: ICANN staff should provide support and tools for the SO/AC/Groups to assist them in assessing their diversity in an appropriate manner. ICANN should also identify staff or community resources that can assist SO/ACs or other components of the community with diversity-related activities and strategies. 1.7. Recommendation 7: ICANN staff should support SO/AC/Groups in developing and publishing a process for dealing with diversity-related complaints and issues. 1.8. Recommendation 8: ICANN staff should support the capture, analysis, and communication of diversity information, seeking external expertise if needed, in the following ways: - In the logic that the previous recommendations 1.3 to 1.5 are not applicable for action for the Council and it's really up to each stakeholder groups and constituencies to undertake those assessment of diversity, then 1.6 is not applicable, either because that's basically to provide support and tools to conduct those assessment. ACTION ITEM: The CCOICI agrees that 1.6 Recommendation 6, 1.7 Recommendation 7, and 1.8 Recommendation are “Not applicable for action”. Next item in the work plan is Recommendation 2 as follows: - It is kind of preliminary on the standing of that because it's related to the empowered communities power and to one up the powers is for the decision of participants to remove the board directors, so this set of recommendations is related to those things, so probably not everybody's familiar with that and then may need some introduction. 2. Recommendations for Guidelines for Standards of Conduct Presumed to be in Good Faith Associated with Exercising Removal of Individual ICANN Board Directors The proposed guidelines apply to all Board seats whether the Director is appointed by the SO/AC or the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) and are as follows: 2.1 Recommendations for guidelines with respect to Petitions for removal: - Not sure how to proceed with the introduction. Maybe I will stop here and ask members in this group, how many of you are familiar with the empowered Community powers, especially related to the board director removal power. Actually the general counsel developed those guidelines in 2019 it was a small Council team That was tasked to develop these guidelines related to the empowered Community powers and how for the general counsel to fulfill its obligation as a decisional participant in the empowered communities, so it was a pretty complicated process, but the work was done in 2019 and then there were counselors and even members from the broader GNSO Community that were participating in that effort. 4. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Wednesday 11 May at 12.00 UTC) - Olga notes she has a conflict for the next meeting. Suggest perhaps selecting another day that week at the same time. ACTION ITEM: Staff will work with Olga and CCOICI members to find another day that week to move the meeting scheduled on 11 May. |