Documents: PDF
- AC Replay
- mp3 Replay
AC Chat:
Action Items:
- Denise, Eric & Laurin to each take one SSR1 recommendation to lead during the call on Thursday (to discuss in more detail via email) and update the Doodle poll based on the recs chosen.
- Leadership to draft a note to SO/AC/SG/C leaders, to invite them to attend the session in Barcelona.
- Staff to let meetings team know that a 60-minute engagement session would be acceptable and that Monday is the preferred schedule day
- Staff to provide ETAs for all outstanding questions re: SSR1 recommendations
- Staff to ask CCT members to attend SSR2 f2f meeting day 2 afternoon, based on availability, to discuss intersections between CCT and SSR2 mandate. Right after lunch preferable (include link to ToR and copy SSR2 leadership)
- Staff to send draft email re: CCT discussion in Barcelona to SSR2 leadership.