- F2F doodle: https://doodle.com/poll/w74di9mhriimgmrn
- Zoom Replay
- mp3 Replay
Zoom Chat: EN
Action Items:
- Staff to go through the subgroups google docs and capture all action items.
- Leadership to share the Ombudsman report with the whole review team (Sebastian has provided his permission) and ask for any follow-up discussion and Q&A to be added as an agenda item to the plenary call on the 15th (or later, if needed, as the Ombudsman must attend the plenary call to answer any questions the RT may have)
- Staff to send the cost estimates for meeting locations and doodle poll results to the whole RT no later than Tuesday, 07 May.
- Add Brian Cute to the plenary agenda on the 15th to discuss the evolution of multistakeholder model since his document has been published for Public Comment.