Welcome, roll-call, SoI
Plenary Call #05 Draft Agenda
Identified Topics of Review
Face-to-Face Meeting #01
ICANN65 and future Face-to-Face meetings
Confirm Decisions Reached | Action Items
Documents: PDF -ATRT3 Leadership Call #03 draft v1.0 | | PDF - ATRT3 F2F #1 Draft Agenda - 03-04-05 April 2019 v01Agenda
- AC Replay
- mp3 Replay
AC Chat: EN
Action Items:
- add slide on "identified topics of review" in the meeting invitation itself
- add to plenary agenda: update on ICANN64 (15-20 min)
- FtoF agenda: mention this agenda is "subject to updates"
- Look into possibility to display both ac rooms, to monitor observer rooms.
- Be mindful of remote participants timezone
- Add a long discussion on future face-to-face meetings