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Additional Materials

April 31 January 2016


Call for Volunteers for the Third Review of ICANN Accountability and Transparency Extended

Candidates are now asked to submit their application materials to by 2 June 2017, 23:59 UTC.

ATRT3 Call for Volunteers Template (form)
16 March 2017ATRT3 Scope - Views from the GAC 13 March 2017CCWG Accountability to Steve Crocker- ATRT3 Responses 6 March 2017GNSO Statement on Proposed Limited Scope for the Upcoming Third Accountability & Transparency Review Team 6 February 2017ALAC Statement on the Proposal for Limited Scope of the Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Review 

3 February 2017

ccNSO Response - CCWG-Accountability WG proposal for a Limited Scope of the ATRT3 Review 


Call for Volunteers Announcement


ICANN is seeking volunteers to serve on the Third Accountability and Transparency Review. Interested individuals are invited to provide the following information, in the template provided:

  • A biography, detailing relevant work and/or academic experience, as well as subject matter knowledge
  • Your motivation for detailing your interest in serving on the Review Team and what you will bring to the team.;
  • Specify the Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee(AC) that you would like to have consider you for nomination.

Candidates are now asked to submit their application materials to by 2 June 2017, 23:59 UTC.

ATRT3 Call for Volunteers Template (form)


31 January 2016

Letter to SO/AC Chairs re ATRT3 Limited Scope


27 January 2017 

SSAC Response - CCWG-Accountability WG proposal for a Limited Scope of the ATRT3 Review 

2 December 2016

CCWG-Accountability WG proposal for a Limited Scope of the ATRT3 Review 24 Octcober 2016Response from Steve Crocker to Co-Chairs of CCWG-Accountability 8 August 2016CCWG Recommendation to the ICANN Board regarding ATRT3 with Respect to Collision of Topics Between ATRT3 and CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 Topics