Background Documents
- WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS1) Final Report (2012), Chapter 6 and Appendix E: The WHOIS Review team’s Law Enforcement Survey
- WHOIS Misuse Study Final Report, especially Section 4 Law Enforcement & Researchers Survey
- Additional links specific to Subgroup 3 may be added here
Further background documents may be found on the Review Team's overall Background Materials page.
Thomas Walden
Subgroup Documents
Open Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes |
21 | FtoF #3 |
| ICANN Org to investigate geographic distribution of responses to date and provide any available information to the subgroup, enabling additional targeted outreach by subgroup members to under-represented areas | ICANN org | ||
20 | FtoF #3 |
| Cathrin to draft methodology and findings for RT review before 6 August plenary call, keeping findings confidential until the survey closes | Cathrin | ||
19 | FtoF #3 |
| Subgroup to consider the following items when drafting its subgroup report, proposing any associated recommendations it may develop for RT review:
| Subgroup | ||
18 | #3 |
| ICANN Org to verify that invitees using personal not agency addresses is not a problem | ICANN org | ||
17 | #3 |
| Subgroup members to react to updated survey text by Friday COB, sending any comments to the subgroup mailing list | Subgroup members | ||
16 | #3 |
| - ICANN Org to update survey text and share with the subgroup by 12 July, reflecting the following edits:
| ICANN org | ||
15 | #33 |
| Schedule a subgroup call as soon as possible to finalize and launch survey. | Subgroup | ||
13 | #27 |
| ICANN org to provide an example of survey output to the subgroup to inform methodology related discussions. | ICANN org |
Completed Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes | Completed Response | Completion Date |
12 | #27 |
| ICANN org to investigate on transparency requirements pertaining to surveys, as subgroups would like the survey link not to appear on review team public lists. | ICANN org |
| |||
11 | #27 |
| Cathrin to update the draft survey based on input received and to share with subgroup. | Cathrin |
| |||
14 | #28 |
| ICANN org to reach out to Thomas to clarify law enforcement survey logistics and request status update | ICANN org |
| |||
10 | #2 |
| Staff to provide support for staging draft questions, as the subgroup may request | ICANN org |
| |||
9 | #2 |
| Cathrin to revise and circulate to the subgroup a draft list of questions | Cathrin |
| |||
8 | #26 |
| Cathrin to draft survey questions for subgroup to review the questions | Cathrin |
| |||
6 | #25 |
| Cathrin volunteered to substitute for Thomas for Face-to-Face Meeting #2 and provide assistance with subgroup draft report. ICANN org to provide a draft subgroup report to Cathrin. |
| ||||
4 | #18 |
| Flesh out potential questions for a law enforcement survey | Law Enforcement Subgroup |
| |||
7 | Stephanie and Lili to be added to Subgroup 3 - Law Enforcement | ICANN org |
| ||||
1 | #1 |
| Reach out to Lili to see if she would like to join subgroup | Thomas | Cathrin completed action item |
| ||
5 | #22 |
| Finalize briefing questions for OCTO and questions to be covered during informal outreach to LE. | Subgroup | CLOSED - subgroup has deferred discussion with OCTO |
| ||
2 | #1 |
| ICANN Org to consider whether a briefing from OCTO on interaction with LEA and perhaps DAR would be helpful as input. | ICANN org | CLOSED - subgroup has deferred discussion with OCTO |
| ||
3 | #1 |
| Provide Thomas will first cut answer at next step question, for Thomas to refine and share with subgroup by mid-week | ICANN Org |
Decisions Reached
Source | Date | Decision |
FtoF #3 | New deadline for survey - August 6 - 23:59 UTC. | |
FtoF #3 | Reopen survey to collect additional responses; defer discussion of results (and issues/recommendations) until final survey close to avoid influencing respondents | |
#2 |
| On Law Enforcement Survey: 1) refine the WHOIS1 questionnaire to better address law enforcement respondents, 2) develop a refined list of questions to obtain feedback from the RT, 3) stage draft questions in a survey tool such as SurveyMonkey to test the survey, 4) run the same survey before and after GDPR changes to WHOIS |
| Has your subgroup identified any needed briefings/resources? How will the subgroup conduct its investigation?