Background Documents
- WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS1) Final Report (2012), Chapter 6 and Appendix E: The WHOIS Review team’s Law Enforcement Survey
- WHOIS Misuse Study Final Report, especially Section 4 Law Enforcement & Researchers Survey
- Additional links specific to Subgroup 3 may be added here
Further background documents may be found on the Review Team's overall Background Materials page.
Thomas Walden
Subgroup Documents
Open Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes |
18 | #3 |
| Subgroup members to react to updated survey text by Friday COB, sending any comments to the subgroup mailing list ICANN Org to verify that invitees using personal not agency addresses is not a problem | ICANN org | ||
17 | #3 |
| Subgroup members to react to updated survey text by Friday COB, sending any comments to the subgroup mailing list | Subgroup members | ||
16 | #3 |
| - ICANN Org to update survey text and share with the subgroup by 12 July, reflecting the following edits:
| ICANN org | ||
15 | #33 |
| Schedule a subgroup call as soon as possible to finalize and launch survey. | Subgroup | ||
13 | #27 |
| ICANN org to provide an example of survey output to the subgroup to inform methodology related discussions. | ICANN org |
Completed Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes | Completed Response | Completion Date |
12 | #27 |
| ICANN org to investigate on transparency requirements pertaining to surveys, as subgroups would like the survey link not to appear on review team public lists. | ICANN org |
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11 | #27 |
| Cathrin to update the draft survey based on input received and to share with subgroup. | Cathrin |
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14 | #28 |
| ICANN org to reach out to Thomas to clarify law enforcement survey logistics and request status update | ICANN org |
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10 | #2 |
| Staff to provide support for staging draft questions, as the subgroup may request | ICANN org |
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9 | #2 |
| Cathrin to revise and circulate to the subgroup a draft list of questions | Cathrin |
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8 | #26 |
| Cathrin to draft survey questions for subgroup to review the questions | Cathrin |
| |||
6 | #25 |
| Cathrin volunteered to substitute for Thomas for Face-to-Face Meeting #2 and provide assistance with subgroup draft report. ICANN org to provide a draft subgroup report to Cathrin. |
| ||||
4 | #18 |
| Flesh out potential questions for a law enforcement survey | Law Enforcement Subgroup |
| |||
7 | Stephanie and Lili to be added to Subgroup 3 - Law Enforcement | ICANN org |
| ||||
1 | #1 |
| Reach out to Lili to see if she would like to join subgroup | Thomas | Cathrin completed action item |
| ||
5 | #22 |
| Finalize briefing questions for OCTO and questions to be covered during informal outreach to LE. | Subgroup | CLOSED - subgroup has deferred discussion with OCTO |
| ||
2 | #1 |
| ICANN Org to consider whether a briefing from OCTO on interaction with LEA and perhaps DAR would be helpful as input. | ICANN org | CLOSED - subgroup has deferred discussion with OCTO |
| ||
3 | #1 |
| Provide Thomas will first cut answer at next step question, for Thomas to refine and share with subgroup by mid-week | ICANN Org |
Decisions Reached
Source | Date | Decision |
#2 |
| On Law Enforcement Survey: 1) refine the WHOIS1 questionnaire to better address law enforcement respondents, 2) develop a refined list of questions to obtain feedback from the RT, 3) stage draft questions in a survey tool such as SurveyMonkey to test the survey, 4) run the same survey before and after GDPR changes to WHOIS |
| Has your subgroup identified any needed briefings/resources? How will the subgroup conduct its investigation?