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AC Chat:  EN

Decisions Reached: 

  • Rapporteurs are to include in subgroup reports all recommendations including those without full support, and to flag those where objections have been raised so that the full RT can consider them.

Action Items:

  • FtoF Meeting #3: ICANN org to send out doodle poll as soon as meetings team provides an update

  • Subgroups Status Update:

    • Reach out to Rapporteurs to emphasize key steps needed: 1) include recs with rationale in subgroup report; 2) do not assume silence means agreement within subgroup - reach out to subgroup members; 3) subgroups that originated recommendations to include findings and analysis in their report, even if the recommendation may eventually move to another report

    • Alan to clarify  briefing request on Safeguarding Registrant Data 

    • Cathrin to review Rec 15-16 draft report for alignment with Rec #1 Strategic Policy report 

    • Cathrin to discuss timing of survey with Law Enforcement Needs subgroup

    • Alan to review Lili's proposed addition to the Rec 10 Privacy/Proxy services report and facilitate resolution

  • ICANN62: Alan to send a reminder to Rapporteurs to enquire whether they plan to be in Panama and wish to present their relevant section