Review Team Members: Alan Greenberg, Dmitry Belyavsky, Susan Kawaguchi, Thomas Walden, Chris Disspain, Lili Sun, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Stephanie Perrin, Erika Mann, Carlton Samuels
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer, Lisa Phifer, Amy Creamer, Alice Jansen, Trang Nguyen
Observers: Osvaldo Novoa, Vignesh Pamu, Svitlana Tkachenko
Apologies: Volker Greimann
Audio recording: EN
Adobe Connect recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: EN
- 2. First Pass - Planning questions v1.2
- 3. Scope and Objectives-v12-draft-redline 13 Nov 2017
- 4. Draft ToR RDS-WHOIS2-RT-v10_19Nov2017-ag
- 5. RDS-WHOIS2-RT Work Plan v5-14 Nov 2017
- 6. RDS WHOIS2 RT ST Zones-bb.20Nov
- 7. draft-operating-standards-specific-reviews-17oct17-en
Decisions Reached:
- All subgroups to return their adopted statement of work (planning document) by December 12, 2017.
Action items:
- Statement of Interests:
- Send a reminder to Stephanie and Erika to sign and return SoI/CoI.
- Terms of Reference
1) change Revised due date to Nov 28 2017
2) move background on limited scope to appendix and replace with summary paragraph
3) accept consensus edit on page 5
4) comment A4 is withdrawn- change Revised due date to Nov 28 2017
- move background on limited scope to appendix and replace with summary paragraph
- accept consensus edit on page 5
- comment A4 is withdrawn, text to remain
5) add RDS definition to page 7
6) edits to pages 9 and 10 accepted with no objections
7) Accept edits to pages 13- add RDS definition to page 7
- edits to pages 9 and 10 accepted with no objections
- Accept edits to pages 13 - 14 except for deleting "
- and am willing to
implement it"
- Add disclaimer that work plan is a living document (Alice to draft language)
- Text proposed by Alan (A11) to be included on page 12 under Support from ICANN Organization
- Retain (updated) scope table in appendix
- Chris to confirm names of Board Caucus Group members and to provide timeframe information on submission of ToR (+ work plan)
Work plan:
- Susan, Chris, Erika to review the work plan and provide input/comments.
- Leadership to liaise offline on confirming the plenary call time. Next monday's call scheduled at the standing call time.
Request for briefings:
- Review team to review alan's email and send suggestions/comments via email list
- Briefing on GDPR: ICANN org to provide an update on this request
Fact Sheet:
- Place a comment on fact sheet wiki page, that it is currently pending review.
Blog Post
- ICANN org to distribute blog entry to list (COMPLETE - Thanks, Cathrin!):[]
- please kick off at your earliest convenience and reach out to ICANN org if you need a call scheduled!
- ICANN org to send an email recap on subgroups to the review team.
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI updates
- Subgroup kick-off & next steps
- Scope of review
- Terms of Reference
- Work plan
- Scheduling
- A.O.B.
Call Details 14:30-16:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here. |