Review Team Members:
Attendees: Dmitry Belyavsky, Susan Kawaguchi, Alan Greenberg, Lili Sun, Thomas Walden, Chris Disspain, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Stephanie Perrin, Volker Greimann
ICANN Organization: Jean Baptiste Deroulez, Karen Mulberry, Brenda Brewer, Steve Conte, Lisa Phifer,
Observers: Uttam Shrestha Rana, Subham Charan, Svitlana Tkachenko, Geo Van Langenhove, Vignesh Pamu
Apologies: Erika Mann, Alice Jansen
Audio recording: EN EN
Adobe Connect recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Documents: PDF
Action items:
- Alan, Cathrin, Susan to liaise together after the call on the structure of the interim leadership.
- Doodle poll to be sent out to the review team on availability for plenary calls (90min) in the next coming weeks until the first FtoF meeting.
- Face-to-Face meeting #1: October 2-3 2017 confirmed. Details to be sent out to Review Team.
- Doodle poll to be sent out to confirm participation at ICANN60 (outside of RDS-WHOIS2-RT activities).
- Staff to circulate the ToR template, once finalized, with the review team.
- Welcome and opening remarks (Karen Mulberry)
- ICANN59 Recap (Jean-Baptiste Deroulez)
- Review Team leadership structure, responsibilities (RDS-WHOIS2-RT members)
- Plenary call schedule and topics (Karen Mulberry)
- Consider process and how the Review Team wishes to include Observers (Karen Mulberry)
- First face-to-face meeting: Dates & Topics (Karen Mulberry)
- ICANN60 meeting (Karen Mulberry)
- Board Resolution (RDS-WHOIS2-RT members) (Lisa Phifer)
- A.O.B
Call Details 11:00-12:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here. |