- EN: http://stream.icann.org/sjo43-lapaza-64-en.m3u
- ES: http://stream.icann.org/sjo43-lapaza-64-es.m3u
- FR: http://stream.icann.org/sjo43-lapaza-64-fr.m3u
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WHOIS - Inter with Cty - Transcript.pdf
Chat content
18:00-19:30 -- WHOIS Internal Debriefing - Girasol - CLOSED
Description: This is the WHOIS Policy Review Team's working session. Public attendance is welcome but comments should be submitted during the Interaction with the Community Session scheduled for Monday, 12 March, 16:30-18:00 or through its public comment box at: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/whois-rt-draft-final-report-05dec11-en.htm
1. Opening remarks
2. Preparatory session for Board meeting (9:15-10:15)
3. Continue discussion of methodology for processing comments (written and oral)
- http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sanjose2012/whois-rt-1-14mar12-en.mp3
- http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sanjose2012/whois-rt-2-14mar12-en.mp3
- http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sanjose2012/whois-rt-3-14mar12-en.mp3
Transcript: TBP
Chat content: TBP
09:15-10:15 -- WHOIS Review Team - Board of Directors meeting - Tiffany's
Description: Meeting Between the Board & the WHOIS Policy Review Team to provide input into the draft report
Agenda: Discussion of specific recommendations and implementation (following up on Board webinar of 29 February 2012)
Recording*: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sanjose2012/board-whois-review-14mar12-en.mp3
http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sanjose2012/board-whois-review-14mar12-en.mp3 *
11:00-12:30 -- Consumer Trust - Heliconia - http://costarica43.icann.org/node/29645
Description: This is a public meeting of the GNSO Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition Drafting Team (CCTC-DT)
Agenda: A discussion of the recent posting in the Public Forum of the CCTC-DT's draft Advise Letter and related measures and metrics.
13:00-14:00 -- Replacement of WHOIS - Bounganvilles
Description: Presentation of the draft roadmap for the replacement of the WHOIS (port-43) protocol as directed by the Board and recommended by SSAC 051.
1. Opening remarks by Kurt Pritz (5 min)
2. Presentation of draft roadmap for replacement of WHOIS by Francisco Arias and Steve Sheng (25 min)
3. Open microphone and discussion (30 min)