This is the WHOIS Policy Review Team's working session. Public attendance is welcome but comments should be submitted during the Interaction with the Community Session scheduled for Monday, 12 March, 14:00-15:30 or through its public comment box at: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/whois-rt-draft-final-report-05dec11-en.htm http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/whois-rt-draft-final-report-05dec11-en.htm
1. Opening remarks & outline of Costa Rican activities
2. Report of Members' outreach activities to solicit feedback
3. Develop a common strategy and objectives for the ICANN week
4. Preparation for second meeting with GNSO Council, including discussion/consensus on responses to GNSO Council's questions (Sunday – 15:45-16:45)
- Refer to Refer to xxxxxxx
5. Preparation for follow-up meeting with GAC (Tuesday – 11:00-12:00)
- Refer to to xxxxxxxx
6. Preparation for meeting with Board (Wednesday – 09:15-10:15)
- Refer to https://community.icann.org/display/whoisreviewprivate/Call+with+ICANN+Board+-+29+Feb+2012||||||||||||||||||\to xxxxxxxxxxx
7. Preparation for Public Forum, including questions we are like to receive and slides we will present (Monday – 16:30-18:00)
- Review Comment Summary prepared by Alice (of written comment received to date)
11. A.O.B
- http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sanjose2012/whois-rt-1-11mar12-en.mp3
- http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sanjose2012/whois-rt-2-11mar12-en.mp3
1. Brief outline of the WHOIS Review Team's findings & recommendations
2. Responses from the WHOIS Review to the GNSO Council's questions to the WHOIS (please refer to: https://community.icann.org/display/whoisreview/Call+with+the+GNSO+Council+-+19+January+2012|||||||||||||||||||\xxxxxxxx)
3. Q&A and discussion
4. Public comment period & final report
Description: Presentation of draft final report recommendations for the community's consideration and feedback. For more information please refer to: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-05dec11-en.htm
1. Outline of WHOIS Review Team mandate & activities
2. Presentation of findings & recommendations
3. Q&A and discussion
4. Public comment period & final report
- EN: http://stream.icann.org/sjo43-lapaza-64-en.m3u
- ES: http://stream.icann.org/sjo43-lapaza-64-es.m3u
- FR: http://stream.icann.org/sjo43-lapaza-64-fr.m3u
- PT: http://stream.icann.org/sjo43-lapaza-64-pt.m3u
18:00-19:30 -- WHOIS Internal Debriefing - Girasol - CLOSED