Versions Compared


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Producers & Maintainers of WHOIS Data*:  James, Susan and Wilfried

Law Enforcement*:  Kim, Sharon and Lutz

A. What is the Whois Policy? James, Kathy, Wilfried; 
B. Whois Policy Implementation Review: Peter, Bill, Emily, Michael; 
C. Law Enforcement:  Kim, Sharon, Wilfried and Lutz;
D. Consumers and Consumer Trust * : Sarmad and Olivier

Applicable Laws*:  Kim, Lynn, Michael and Omar

Definitions: Sarmad, Olivier, Peter and Lynn (assisted by staff)

Inventory of ICANN's Existing WHOIS Policy: Wilfried, James and Kathy

Inventory of ICANN's Implementation of WHOIS Policy: Peter, Bill, Emily and Michael

*coordination required, Olivier, Lynn, Peter, Bill; 
*E. Applicable laws:  *Kim, Omar, Michael, Lynn;
F. Producers and Maintainers of WHOIS Data:  James, Susan, Wilfried
(with Omar looking into the related question of who "owns" the