- Agenda Bashing (2 Min)
- Review Previous Week Action Items (10 Min)
- All Open Actions Reviewed & Closed
- Review WHOIS Requirements Survey Question Assignments (70 Min)
- Expected Outcome: Draft #6 of Survey Questionaire
- New Business (5 Min)
- Review of Assigned Action Items (3 Min)
New Action Items:
Berry - 28 FEB - Schedule SO/AC WSWG Roadshow via Webinar (post Costa Rica)
Michael - 20 FEB - Review length of survey, language
Wilson - 10 FEB - Provide examples of survey question types
Wilson - 20 FEB - Review survey code capability to enable user return to survey for completion at later time
WSWG Team - 20 FEB - Mold survey questions to available question types
WSWG Team - 20 FEB - Use of "Question is Relevant " per section/question (review R-6a & R-6b as example)
WSWG Team - 20 FEB - R7/IRD use in survey, Berry to resend to list - STARTED
Michael - 20 FEB - Identify editors of survey
Michael - 20 FEB - Identify Test Survey Takers (possible candidates: Don B., Francisco A., Dave P.)
- Berry - 28 FEB - Schedule SO/AC WSWG Roadshow via Webinar (post Costa Rica)
- Michael - 20 FEB - Review length of survey, language
- Wilson - 10 FEB - Provide examples of survey question types
- Wilson - 20 FEB - Review survey code capability to enable user return to survey for completion at later time
- WSWG Team - 20 FEB - Mold survey questions to available question types
- WSWG Team - 20 FEB - Use of "Question is Relevant " per section/question (review R-6a & R-6b as example)
- WSWG Team - 20 FEB - R7/IRD use in survey, Berry to resend to list - STARTED
- Michael - 20 FEB - Identify editors of survey
- Michael - 20 FEB - Identify Test Survey Takers (possible candidates: Don B., Francisco A., Dave P.)
Open Action Items:
- Berry - 6 FEB - Request Public Session for Costa Rica Meeting Schedule / WSWG Road Show across SOs & ACs - STARTED CONVERTED (Maintain as tentative on GNSO Sched)
- NOTE** - we will NOT conduct a public session in CR
- Berry - 9 JAN - Send Doodle poll to determine new WSWG Call Time - COMPLETE
- Wilson - 6 FEB - Search/collaborate/brainstorm for ideas on how to best handle comments within survey - CLOSED COMPLETE
- Possible Lexical Analysis
- 140 Char response fields
- Ability to see other comments submitted, and select the one preferred +1
- WSWG/ALL - 3 FEB - Review & Respond to Survey Question Requirement Master Document - CARRYOVER
- Berry - 3 FEB - Compile draft v0.6 Survey Questions from WSWG Requirement Assignments - CLOSEDCOMPLETE
Adobe Connect Chat:
Berry Cobb: Welcome to the 6 FEB 2012 WSWG Conference.