- Berry - 6 FEB - Request Public Session for Costa Rica Meeting Schedule / WSWG Road Show across SOs & ACs - STARTED (Maintain as tentative on GNSO Sched)
- Draft Summary of WSWG and work with Glen for Schedule - CLOSED (Not Required)
- NOTE** - we will NOT conduct a public session in CR
- Berry - 9 JAN - Send Doodle poll to determine new WSWG Call Time - COMPLETE
- Wilson - 6 FEB - Search/collaborate/brainstorm for ideas on how to best handle comments within survey - CARRYOVER
- Possible Lexical Analysis
- 140 Char response fields
- Ability to see other comments submitted, and select the one preferred +1
- WSWG/ALL - 3 FEB - Review & Respond to Survey Question Requirement Master Document
- Berry - 3 FEB - Compile draft v0.6 Survey Questions from WSWG Requirement Assignments
R# Assignments:
R1 - Steven van Egmond
R2 - Michael Young
R3 - Cintra Sooknanan
R4 - Cintra Sooknanan
R5 - Susan Prosser
R6a - Avri Doria
R6b - Avri Doria
R7 - Steven Metalitz
R8.1 - Steven van Egmond, Cintra Sooknanan
R8.2 - Michael Young, Cintra Sooknanan
R8.3 - Wendy Seltzer
R9 - Paul Brigner, Don Blumenthal
R10 - Paul Brigner, Don Blumenthal / Liz Gasster to followup with Steve
R11 - Steven Metalitz
a1 - Michael Young
a2 - Michael Young, Steven Metalitz
a3 - Michael YoungAdobe Connect Chat:
Berry Cobb: Welcome to the 6 FEB 2012 WSWG Conference.
Michael Young: hi trying to dial in
Michael Young: one sec
Wilson Abigaba: Question types:- Multiple choice (Radio boxes)- Checkboxes (multiple answers)- Ranks (Scale of 1-10 or 1-5)- Drop Down menus- Text (Possible to limit characters)Notes: * It's possible to limit characters in the text fields (if required) * Its possible to have mouse over descriptions for the questions or even the options/answers * We should try as much as possible to avoid text fields because they can only be analysed by a human
Nathalie Peregrine: The echo is from Wilson'sline
Wilson Abigaba: I have moved out of the noisy room. is it better now?
Nathalie Peregrine: Wilson, if you mute your line when not talking it will avoid the echo on other lines. Thank you!
avri: Different questions types have different mechansims that allow 'opting' out.
Michael Young: wilson see avri's comment
Michael Young: like a radio button that says opt out
avri: or multiple choie option: no opinion
wseltzer: just allow people to skip questions?
Michael Young: I think we wanted to be polite
Michael Young: and not ask why they skipped
avri: or true fals with thrid value for don't know
Michael Young: but we have a good idea by their profiling we do
Michael Young: at that start
Michael Young: sure
Michael Young: Avri that works
wseltzer: 4th for "don't care" :)
Michael Young: right
Wilson Abigaba: that is ok, and possible, but it doesnt reduce the numbern of questions or size of the questionnaire
wseltzer: we shouldn't reject the survey for failure to answer a questions
wseltzer: so people can submit at any time when they get tired.
Michael Young: it would be ideal if they can complete it in more than one session
Wilson Abigaba: I would request, if possible, we the members should try to combine some questions (if possible)
Michael Young: in case of interruption
wseltzer: option 2, I'd suggest
Michael Young: and we can try and reduce number of questions
avri: i tend to use codes and come back and finish.
avri: sometimes when doing a survey that i can complete later, i will actually go away and think about a question for a while.
Wilson Abigaba: Avri, how do u easily remember the codes? are they emailed to you, or u save them manually?
avri: i tend to just cut and paste them into a email message that i save in my email drafts forlder
Berry Cobb: One point to remember is that we have the milestone of Independent Review. This step may aid in length of survey, opt out on questions, etc.
avri: but yes send emial with the code is a good thing.
Michael Young: yes
Michael Young: that works
Berry Cobb: 20 FEB, 5 MAR
wseltzer: Q 4, is the respondent "providing" access, or accessing?
wseltzer: i.e. s/providing/gaining/
Cintra Sooknanan: Im Disconnected!!!!
Nathalie Peregrine: we're dialling out to her now
Nathalie Peregrine: Cintra is back on the call
Cintra Sooknanan: so they sound less schizophrenic
Cintra Sooknanan: lol
wseltzer: thanks for the speedy chairing.
Cintra Sooknanan: bye bye
Berry Cobb: Welcome to the 6 FEB 2012 WSWG Conference.
Michael Young: hi trying to dial in
Michael Young: one sec
Wilson Abigaba: Question types:- Multiple choice (Radio boxes)- Checkboxes (multiple answers)- Ranks (Scale of 1-10 or 1-5)- Drop Down menus- Text (Possible to limit characters)Notes: * It's possible to limit characters in the text fields (if required) * Its possible to have mouse over descriptions for the questions or even the options/answers * We should try as much as possible to avoid text fields because they can only be analysed by a human
Nathalie Peregrine: The echo is from Wilson'sline
Wilson Abigaba: I have moved out of the noisy room. is it better now?
Nathalie Peregrine: Wilson, if you mute your line when not talking it will avoid the echo on other lines. Thank you!
avri: Different questions types have different mechansims that allow 'opting' out.
Michael Young: wilson see avri's comment
Michael Young: like a radio button that says opt out
avri: or multiple choie option: no opinion
wseltzer: just allow people to skip questions?
Michael Young: I think we wanted to be polite
Michael Young: and not ask why they skipped
avri: or true fals with thrid value for don't know
Michael Young: but we have a good idea by their profiling we do
Michael Young: at that start
Michael Young: sure
Michael Young: Avri that works
wseltzer: 4th for "don't care" :)
Michael Young: right
Wilson Abigaba: that is ok, and possible, but it doesnt reduce the numbern of questions or size of the questionnaire
wseltzer: we shouldn't reject the survey for failure to answer a questions
wseltzer: so people can submit at any time when they get tired.
Michael Young: it would be ideal if they can complete it in more than one session
Wilson Abigaba: I would request, if possible, we the members should try to combine some questions (if possible)
Michael Young: in case of interruption
wseltzer: option 2, I'd suggest
Michael Young: and we can try and reduce number of questions
avri: i tend to use codes and come back and finish.
avri: sometimes when doing a survey that i can complete later, i will actually go away and think about a question for a while.
Wilson Abigaba: Avri, how do u easily remember the codes? are they emailed to you, or u save them manually?
avri: i tend to just cut and paste them into a email message that i save in my email drafts forlder
Berry Cobb: One point to remember is that we have the milestone of Independent Review. This step may aid in length of survey, opt out on questions, etc.
avri: but yes send emial with the code is a good thing.
Michael Young: yes
Michael Young: that works
Berry Cobb: 20 FEB, 5 MAR
wseltzer: Q 4, is the respondent "providing" access, or accessing?
wseltzer: i.e. s/providing/gaining/
Cintra Sooknanan: Im Disconnected!!!!
Nathalie Peregrine: we're dialling out to her now
Nathalie Peregrine: Cintra is back on the call
Cintra Sooknanan: so they sound less schizophrenic
Cintra Sooknanan: lol
wseltzer: thanks for the speedy chairing.
Cintra Sooknanan: bye bye