Working Documents
Meeting Recordings, Notes and Presentations
Position | Name | Designation | Organization | Language Expertise | |||||
Advisor | Dr. Myint Myint Than | Executive Director & member of Myanmar NLP Working Committee | Myanmar Computer Federation | Unicode & Policy | |||||
Advisor | Dr. Khin Aye | Member | Myanmar Language Department | Linguistics | |||||
Advisor | Mr. Ngwe Tun | Director (Technical) | Trust Link Co. Ltd. | Unicode | |||||
Chair | Ms. Thin Zar Phyo | NLP researcher | Techno Zenith (IT Solution) | ||||||
Co-Chair | Ms. Yin May Oo | Digital Linguist | Teledirect, Singapore | Computational Linguistics | |||||
Member | Mr. Naing Win Oo | DNS and System Expert | Yatanarpon Teleport Public Co. Ltd. (ISP) | DNS & IDNA | |||||
Member | Mr. Kaung Khant Zaw | CEO | Techno Zenith (IT Solution) | Software Development and Unicode | Member | Ms. Yin May Oo | Digital Linguist | Teledirect, Singapore | Computational Linguistics |
Member | Mr. Ye Zarni Aung | Language Experts | Myanmar Unicode Area | Unicode and IDNS | |||||
Member | Mr. Min Paing Khant Oo | Network Engineer | MyHongsa Telecom Office | Unicode and IDNS | |||||
Member | Mr. Thura Soe | Software Engineer | Techno Zenith (IT Solution) | Software Development and NLP | |||||
Member | Mr. Sai Zin Di Di Zone | Editor in Charge | Hsenpai News journal | Shan Language expert |