Welcome to the online home of the At-Large (individual Internet user community) for the Asian-Australian-Pacific region, providing news, key resources and interactive features for information sharing for individuals and end-user groups in the Asian-Australasia-Pacific region interested in ICANN and shaping the future of the Internet.
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- What is At-Large?
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- What type of groups can be At-Large Structures?
- Why become an At-Large Structure?
27 July 2010: Election Call 2010: Information about the open positions, the election process and the nominations now available
09 July 2010: APRALO Calls for Nominations for Open Vice Chair Position
You can find details on the Vice Chair position and the current election on the Vice Chair Election July 2010 Workspace
15 June 2010: APRALO publishes Outreach Brochures
The brochure is available online and was also made available in print and distributed at the ICANN Brussels meeting.
- Next APRALO Meeting: 24 August 2010
- Latest APRALO Meeting: 27 July 2010
- APNIC Training Session for APRALO: 09 April 2010
- APRALO Secretariat Monthly Reports - NEW!
- Older Announcements
- Policy Development Schedule - See what Policy Statements the At-Large Community is currently working on.
- List of certified ALSs
- ALS applications being reviewed (Google Docs account needed for access)
- RALO Organising Documents
- APRALO Regional Leaders
- APRALO Documents and Resources
- Current Issues in APRALO
- APRALO Policy Development Workspace
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- APRALO Teleconferences
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- ICANN International Meetings
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- AFRALO: African RALO
- EURALO: European RALO
- LACRALO: Latin America and the Caribbean RALO
- NARALO: North American RALO
- At-Large official website
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- ICANN official website
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