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titleWhy is there an RSSAC Review?

Section 4.4(a) of ICANN’s Bylaws require that its structures, including the NomCom2, be reviewed on a five-year cycle.  According to the Bylaws, the goal of the review is “to determine (i) whether that organization has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure, and (ii) if so, whether any change in structure or operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness.”

This review is part of ICANN’s commitment to continuous improvement, accountability and transparency.  It uses mechanisms and measures to maintain public confidence in the viability, reliability and accountability of ICANN.

The RSSAC Review uses a new, improved approach to conducting reviews.  It will inform the work on evolving ICANN’s Review Framework, as part of the broader accountability discussion.

titleWhat is the scope of the RSSAC Review?

Based on direction from the Board, the current review comprises an examination of RSSAC organizational effectiveness in accordance with the ICANN-provided objectives and quantifiable criteria. The Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board (OEC) is responsible for the oversight of ICANN’s organizational reviews.

The review will focus on addressing areas such as purpose of the organization; its processes and means of conducting its work; and its outcomes.  The operations of the RSSAC Working Groups, the RSSAC Council, the Regional RSSAC Organizations and the RSSAC Structures will also be evaluated.  Review criteria include but are not limited to the following areas, to be applied to RSSAC Community components (ALAC, RALOs and ALSes):

  • Fulfilment  of mission, adherence to Policies and Procedures,  and organizational support
  • Accountability and transparency to the public
  • Membership processes and participation
  • Communication
  • Governance and management, effectiveness of execution
  • Evaluation and measurement of outcomes
  • Effectiveness of implementation of prior review recommendations

The review and its requirements will be managed in a clear and scheduled process, empowering the RSSAC and broader community to be a part of the solution and improvement efforts.

The current review also will include an assessment of the effectiveness of structural changes that resulted from the last review, as it relates to the organizational effectiveness of the RSSAC.

Community surveys and interviews will provide the community with an opportunity to express their position on the RSSAC structure.

titleWhat role does the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board play in the RSSAC Review?

The Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) of the ICANN Board is responsible for the review and oversight of policies relating to ICANN’s ongoing organizational review process, as mandated by Section 4.4(a) of ICANN’s Bylaws (Periodic Review of ICANN Structure and Operations).  For more information, see the Charter of the OEC.  In addition to providing oversight, the OEC confirms the Independent Examiner, accepts the final report and implementation plan and prepares recommendations for Board action. 

titleWhat is the RSSAC Review Working Party and what is its role?

The Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) of the Board has requested that an RSSAC Review Working Party be assembled to act as a liaison between the RSSAC, the Independent Examiner and the OEC.  The Working Party will also provide input on review criteria and a community survey, coordinate interviews, and objectively supply clarification and responses to the draft findings and recommendations.  Once the final report is issued and the Board takes action on it, the RSSAC Review Working Party is expected to coordinate with the RSSAC community to prepare an Implementation Plan and champion implementation of improvement activities.

The membership of the RSSAC Review Working Party represents the diversity of the RSSAC community.  The activities of the RSSAC Review Working Party are conducted in an open and fully transparent manner.  Contact _______________ for  Contact for more information.  See activities of the RSSAC Review Working Party on their wiki.

titleWho will perform the Review?

While an Independent Examiner will perform the review, the RSSAC community also has an important role: performing a self-assessment, providing direct input to the community survey and participating in interviews, and implementing improvements.

titleHow will the Independent Examiner be selected?

The selection of an Independent Examiner is done in accordance with the process originally outlined in Systematization of Organizational Reviews Processes and ICANN’s procurement policy.  The process has been adjusted to include continuous process improvements and lessons learned.  The selection involves Organizational Review and Procurement staff and the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board (OEC).  A competitive bidding process was launched on 11 July 2017 with an open Request for Proposal for the Independent Review of the RSSAC Community.  Submitted proposals were carefully evaluated and the results and scores were presented for consideration and action by the OEC.

In connection with the open competitive bidding process used to select the independent examiner, the proposals were reviewed and evaluated for all data responsive to the RFP, not just the low bid.  Prices was one of many considerations.  Once all bids were evaluated, the Independent Examiner was selected as the most qualified consultant relative to, but not limited to, the following high-level selection criteria:

  • Understanding of the assignment
  • Knowledge and expertise
    • Demonstrated experience in conducting broadly similar examinations
    • Not-for-profit experience
    • Basic knowledge of ICANN
    • Geographic and cultural diversity, multilingualism, gender balance
    • Suitability of proposed CVs
  • Proposed methodology
    • Work organization, project management approach, and timelines
    • Suitability of tools and methods or work
    • Clarity of deliverables
  • Flexibility, including but not limited to meeting the timeline
  • Reference checks
  • Financial value
  • Conflict of Interest
titleWho has been selected as the Independent Examiner?

ITEMS International was selected as the independent examiner on 13 May 2016.  Further information on ITEMS International can be found here.

titleWhat is the Review methodology?

The methodology used for the RSSAC Review will follow best practices and professional standards for independence, proficiency and due professional care.  Information will be collected through a variety of means: an online community survey with quantitative and qualitative aspects, one-on-one interviews, desk review of documents, and in-person observations during ICANN meetings.  Additionally, it is expected that the Independent Examiner will participate in a majority of the RSSAC Review Working Party calls and public sessions to be held at ICANN56 and ICANN57 and will consider any feedback provided by the RSSAC Review Working Party as well as by others through the formal public comment process and other feedback mechanisms.

titleHow can individuals and groups within the RSSAC structure get involved?

You can get involved in a variety of ways.  For groups, each RSSAC regional organization has designated a representative to join the RSSAC Review Working Party.  Other regional constituencies interested in joining the RSSAC Review Working Party can appoint an observer.

Any interested individual is invited to provide direct input to the RSSAC Review Working Party by contacting ____________________ and/or by participating in the community survey.

titleWhat is the Community Survey and how will it be used?

A new component within the organizational review, the community survey is designed to gather data for the Independent Examiner to use in the RSSAC Review process and may inform RSSAC self-improvement efforts.  This online tool will collect feedback from the RSSAC community, other ICANN structures and community members, the Board and staff. The community survey questions will be developed based on criteria used for the overall RSSAC Review.

It is anticipated that the community survey will be launched in September 2017 by a public announcement inviting all interested individuals to participate.

The community survey will be formulated and implemented by the Independent Examiner.  The RSSAC Review Working Party will provide extensive feedback on the design and the questions.  However, the actual community survey will be conducted by the Independent Examiner with support from staff.  The Independent Examiner will use the feedback provided by the RSSAC Review Working Party and other community members to formulate the community survey, ensuring that this tool collects adequate information from a broad group of people to meet the needs of data gathering for their review work.  The data collected via the community survey will be summarized and analyzed by the Independent Examiner, and used as input into their review work and output.

titleWhat happens to the information submitted as part of the Community Survey?

The Independent Examiner will develop and manage the community survey as an important component of the full review.  The Independent Examiner will collate, analyze and summarize all responses, and will supplement the assessment survey with other methods of data collection including a review of documents and one-on-one interviews.

Individual responses will not be made available publicly.  Input will remain confidential to the Independent Examiner.  Additional information about privacy will be provided in the instructions accompanying the community survey.

titleWhat methods will the Independent Examiner use to collect data and information?

The Independent Examiner may use the following methods to gather information:

  • Examination of available documentation, records, and reports;
  • Outcomes from the community survey, an online mechanism to collect and summarize feedback from members of the RSSAC structure, interested members from the ICANN community and other structures, members of the Board and staff;
  • Limited interviews, as needed.

The review methodology will involve collection of both quantitative and qualitative data to provide the Independent Examiner with a sufficient basis for formulating findings and recommendations.  It is anticipated that the online community survey will have places for free-form feedback in addition to collecting structured responses.  The Independent Examiner will conduct one-on-one interviews to supplement information gathered through the community survey and review of documents as necessary.

titleHow will individuals be selected for interviews with the Independent Examiner?

One-on-one interviews will be used to supplement other means of gathering information.  Candidates for the interviews will be selected based on input and recommendations from the RSSAC Review Working Party.  Additional interviewees may be selected from individuals responding to the community survey.

titleWhat happens when the Independent Examiner completes the Review?

Once the Independent Examiner collects sufficient information and formulates its analysis and preliminary findings, it will engage with the RSSAC Working Party to validate the accuracy and completeness of findings and the usefulness and feasibility of draft recommendations.  The Draft Report, reflecting clarification and responses from the RSSAC, will be published for public comment.  The report will be updated to reflect public comments and subsequently published in its final form.  The Final Report, along with public comments, will be considered by the Board.  After the Board takes action and accepts the report, the implementation phase will begin.

titleWhat is the estimated timeline for the RSSAC Review?

titleHow will we know whether the recommendations made a difference?

The impact of implemented improvements will be tracked, measured and reported. In addition, all ICANN community members will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the implemented improvements through the community survey, which is expected to become a standard part of the organizational review process.

titleHave other questions?

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