Those who provide or use gTLD domain name registration data are invited to participate in the RDS Risk Survey. This on-going survey is a chance to tell the EWG about the risks and benefits that the Next Generation Registration Directory Service (RDS) might have for YOU. Initial survey results gathered through 15 May, 2014 were used by the EWG to inform its report. This survey is still open to gather broad feedback as input to a future risk assessmentThis survey has closed; summary posted below.
Questionnaire Address for On-Line Participation:
http://tiny.cc/risk-ewg-surveyInteractive Webinars:
Online RDS Workshop (16-17 April 2014)Close Date: 15 May 28 July 2014, 23:59 UTC – Extended indefinitelyUTC
- Summary of Responses [PDF]
ccTLD WHOIS Data Verification/Validation Questionnaire