Questionnaire Address for On-Line Participation:
http://tiny.cc/risk-ewg-surveyInteractive Webinars:
To be scheduledOnline RDS Workshop (16-17 April 2014)Close Date: 15 May 2014, 23:59 UTC UTC – Extended indefinitely
ccTLD WHOIS Data Verification/Validation Questionnaire
If your organization currently issues system access credentials to authorized members of your own community, using defined acceptance criteria, you are invited to respond to this RFI. This RFI is purely informational. The EWG hopes to build upon existing membership or credentialing processes to fulfill RDS user accreditation needs, should ICANN pursue RDS implementation in the future. This RFI has closed; summary in is posted below.
For More Information: Announcement
- Requirements and Instructions Download:
- RFI [PDF, 787 KB]
- RFI Responses should be Submitted via Email to rfi-response@icann.org
- Close Date: 10 March 2014, 23:59 UTC
- Summary of Responses [PDF]
Further Research Topics
RDS Implementation Model Cost Analysis
During February/March 2014, a budgetary cost analysis was conducted for ICANN by IBM, comparing the realization of Synchronized and Federated models under consideration by the EWG for the next-generation RDS. Summary and detailed result produced by IBM are posted below.
- IBM's RDS Implementation Model Cost Analysis - Executive Summary (6 June 2014)
- IBM's RDS Implementation Model Cost Analysis - Full Report (6 June 2014)
Public Comment on EWG Recommendations
To provide additional input to the EWG beyond these research topics, please submit public comments by 28 February 2014, 23:59 UTC, to input-to-ewg@icann.org. All public comments sent to this address are archived here: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/input-to-ewg/