00:20:28 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Welcome, All.
00:20:34 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome all to the EURALO Board Call
00:20:40 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Natalia
00:20:46 Natalia Filina: Hello everyone!
00:21:13 Natalia Filina: thank you Sebastien, my apologies
00:22:19 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Adam Peake to the call
00:23:32 Ricardo Holmquist: hi again, sorry to be late
00:24:58 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome back Ricardo
00:24:59 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: @Seb, would the trainings take place during the breakfast and lunch?
00:25:56 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: The Guide has contacted to do something in person if we wish!
00:26:24 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: He was very reasonably priced and we could even do a quiz at dinner?
00:27:06 Natalia Filina: We had a wonderful guide, true! and it would be great if we could walk with him again @Gisella
00:28:41 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Will there be an outreach/networking event at the GA/ICANN74?
00:29:54 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: thanks.
00:30:09 Natalia Filina: I imagine our big group in Den Haag-)
00:32:18 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Shoveling snow
00:34:04 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Shovelling snow and pulling branches from trees of the driveway but also off the roof of the house. :-)
00:36:16 Natalia Filina: thank you Heidi and Sebastien
00:38:09 Natalia Filina: true Heidi, thank you
00:38:28 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Social Media
00:39:04 Natalia Filina: yes, SoMe group, the position of EURALO Co-Chair is empty
00:40:14 Sébastien Bachollet: https://hadea.ec.europa.eu/calls-proposals/equipping-backbone-networks-high-performance-and-secure-dns-resolution-infrastructures-works_en
00:45:33 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Natalia - thank you for confirming - we need to find a replacement for you
00:45:34 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: FY23 ABR proposals: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99668009/At-Large+FY23+Budget+Development+Workspace
00:46:37 Roberto Gaetano: CENTR would be interesting
00:47:11 Natalia Filina: Like these photos!!! We are so positive people!-)
00:51:06 Sébastien Bachollet: You can find additional information and register for the session here: https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-dns4eu
00:52:58 Natalia Filina: thank you Adam!!!
00:58:23 Sébastien Bachollet: EURALO ROP
00:58:29 Natalia Filina: right note @Yrjo. thank you
01:00:32 Natalia Filina: thank you so much Sebastien and all. Take care!
01:01:03 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Thank you all for joining today!
01:01:06 Ricardo Holmquist: thank you Sebastien
01:01:10 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Enjoy your evening
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