Or April 18 at 0100 UTC https://www.icann.org/en/engagement-calendar/details/wsis20-outreach-network-interactive-webinar-on-gdc-zero-draft-0100-utc-webinar-2-2024-04-18
00:37:25 veni markovski: Registration for the webinar at 17 April 14:00 UTC: https://www.icann.org/en/engagement-calendar/details/wsis20-outreach-network-interactive-webinar-2024-04-17
00:37:56 Silvia Vivanco: Reacted to "APril 17 at 1400UTC ..." with
00:38:00 Silvia Vivanco: Reacted to "Registration for the..." with
00:38:35 Diego Acosta Bastidas: Saludos a tod@s atte Diego Acosta Bastidas msc Cultura Libre y Software Libre del Ecuador
00:41:30 Silvia Vivanco: Yes Veni go ahead
00:43:25 Humberto Carrasco: Hola a todos(as)
00:43:51 veni markovski: We hear the interpretation fine, Alejandro. Good to see you!
00:46:55 Harold Arcos: https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/icanns-carbon-footprint-23-9-2019-en
00:47:08 Harold Arcos: ICANN’s Carbon Footprint
00:48:22 veni markovski: Thanks, Harold. One more blog which I wrote couple of weeks ago on the WSIS effort: https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/icanns-world-summit-on-the-information-society-20-year-review-outreach-efforts-02-04-2024-en
00:48:51 Hannah Frank: Gracias Harold
00:49:06 veni markovski: And, of course, please, sign up for our web page, where we publish all information, related to WSIS, GDC, UN, etc.: https://www.icann.org/en/government-engagement
00:49:14 Silvia Vivanco: Thank you @veni markovski and @Becky McGilley !
00:49:17 Hannah Frank: Reacted to And, of course, plea... with
00:49:17 Becky McGilley: Thank you for having us!
00:49:25 SERGIO SALINAS PORTO: Thanks Veni and Rebecca!
00:49:35 Hannah Frank: Thank you guys!
00:49:38 Antonio Medina Gómez: Gracias
00:49:41 veni markovski: Thanks for having us! Please, yes, reach out!
00:55:08 Silvia Vivanco: Reacted to "Thanks, Harold. One ..." with
00:55:38 Silvia Vivanco: Tomar en cuenta las fechas limites de CROP son 7 semanas antes de la fecha del evento en cuestión
00:56:25 Heidi Ullrich: The CROP trips should be used to implement the Fiscal Year RALO Outreach Plan./Los viajes CROP deben usarse para implementar el Plan de extensión de las RALO del año fiscal.
00:56:59 Vanda Scartezini: g=thanks you heidi.
00:57:33 Hannah Frank: Reacted to The CROP trips shoul... with
00:57:48 Heidi Ullrich: LACRALO FY24 Outreach Plan - https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/CRALO/pages/98638514/FY24+Outreach+and+Engagement+Strategic+Plan
01:00:10 Silvia Vivanco: The presentation in English is linked to the Agenda
01:00:37 Silvia Vivanco: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/LACRALO/pages/109768704/2024-04-15+LACRALO+Monthly?preview=/320405609/325321208/presentation%20NOMCOM%20changes%20LACRALO%5BVANDA%5D.pdf
01:01:20 Harold Arcos: Replying to "Sergio Salinas porto..."