1. Budget - we decided that we will move forward with the budget for 100 people (attached), which means we need additional about 2000 USD.
5. The agenda was updated based on the discussions, with reducing the time for the speakers and with changes in the order - see here the updated agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/APRALO/pages/115182515/APRALO+49th+meeting+-+Singapore+2014+-+APRALO+Events
6. Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco to check with the communication team related to the publication of 250 copies of the new APRALO brochure, prepared by Maureen. The request to print it on ICANN's expenses had been sent.
The rest action items - such as video, PPt, are in the process of finalization.