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December 2013 Report


During December monthly call the majority of participants voted in favor of ROP WG Charter, but some members asked for a little bit more time for the comments, which is NOW OPEN FOR ONE WEEK - Deadline for final input is December 27. After that time, the Charter will be considered adopted as the main Charter for ROP WG. The link to the final document (as PDF document) is posted here: APRALO Rules of Procedures Review 2013-14   


4. ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee (FBSC) membership from APRALO

Currently APRALO has Cheryl Langdon Orr and Rafid Fatani serving in FBSC and a call for one more volunteer (representative from RALO) has been sent to APRALO ALSs. The deadline for expressing the willingness to serve in this committee is set as of December 25, 2013.

5. At Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program, known as CROPP 


from February-June 2014 has been sent to APRALO ALSs. To learn more about the program, please, visit:  

6. Singapore Showcase 

In December the OC (Organizing Committee) hold its first conference call to identify the main action items (APRALO Singapore Showcase OC 2013-12-04 Action Items). The team is in the process of discussions for: agenda, items for sponsorship, catering, documentations needed to be distributed, etc. The next OC call will be in the mid of January 2014. A call to all ALSs has been sent to provide their input and/or find sponsorship opportunities for the Showcase (the deadline is given January 10, 2014, prior to OC meeting). It was agreed during December call that items for sponsorship(which is currently in the process of finalization) will be posted in wiki for everyone to think about potential sponsors. OC is also in the process of identifying of how many APRALO ALSs will be physically present in Singapore (Maureen is leading the process). 


Policy Update: Olivier briefed the meeting on policy before the ALAC including Closed statements on confusingly similar gTLDs, DNS risk management, ccTLD delegation and re-delegation and the Whois privacy and proxy service abuse.  Current policies include the ccNSO report on revocation, a revised PICs dispute resolution process, policy and implementation and a response to the ATRT2 draft report. (for details, see https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+Policy+Development+Page)


Next Spotlight:

November: Siranush Vardanyan


- Spotlight: Satish Babu give the first spotlight presentation on his ALS, the Computer Society of India, including its formation, structure and activities:  seehttps://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/APRALO/pages/115182111/APRALO+ALSes+Spotlight.

-       Satish provided an update of the Meeting Strategy WG . The issues being considered include whether ICANN should continue with three global meetings a year, or two meetings a year plus another meeting in each region, selection of venues for meetings (including rotation and selection criteria) and suppot arrangements for travel and visas.  The WG is due to report to the Board in September.


Olivier (together with ALAC member Tijani Ben Jemaa) attended a briefing on the budget projects for FY14. The APRALO request for funding for a workshop at the IGF has been approved, and our request for funding to participate in the AP regional IGF is under review.

  1. Elections for the APRALO Vice Chair will close 7 June
  2. The timeline for an APRALO representative to ALAC is:
  3. ·         Nomination period ends  14 June
  4. ·         Acceptance period ends 21 June
  5. ·         Elections – 28 June – 5 July


Olivier reviewed policy issues open for discussion, including ALAC response.  APRALO members should review the issues and provide any feedback on the wiki. He particularly mentioned the ATRT2 review which is open for any and all comments and invited APRALO members to comment on this issue.

See https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+Policy+Development+Page

February 2013 Report



Dev outlined the purpose of the review group – to provide community input  (and objections) on proposed new gTLDs.  He outlined the process by which ALAC can object.  All  5 RALOs must review each of the five gTLD applications/objections and advice ALAC whether it supports or rejects the Review group’s recommendations – BY 5 MARCH. See https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/soxwAgXAThBQ for all of the information and please get back to me with your thoughts.


Olivier reviewed the statements/comments etc being considered (or not) be the ALAC.  See https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+Policy+Development+Page

The one issue where there are real differences within ALAC is on the issue of closed gTLDs.  The text on the policy page now includes text which sets out both viewpoints, plus comments from others.  ALAC is now asking RALOs for their views on this issue – so please at least read about this issue and either comment directly on the page or let me know what your views are.
