14:53:28 From Michelle DeSmyter : Let me reconnect my audio
14:54:50 From Michelle DeSmyter : Hello Sebastien, we can hear you, but you cannot hear anyone else, would you mind reconnecting your audio?
14:55:02 From Michelle DeSmyter : I just reconnected and did an audio test with everyone.
14:55:53 From Ricardo Holmquist : Hi Michelle, all
15:00:28 From Gisella Gruber : Welcome to everyone!
15:04:01 From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you Sebastien.
15:04:08 From Gisella Gruber : Thank you Sébastien!
15:05:04 From Gisella Gruber : Sébastien - correct as last was informal
15:05:12 From Gisella Gruber : This is the FIRST official meeting
15:05:28 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Welcome
15:06:34 From silvia.vivanco : Hello all
15:08:06 From Ricardo Holmquist : Sounds good for me
15:08:22 From Ricardo Holmquist : So we can read the documents in the meantime
15:08:37 From Mate Mester : Agree
15:09:33 From Michelle DeSmyter : EURALO Operating Rules Taksforce wiki: https://icann-community.icann.orgatlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=126425098/105530322/EURALO+Operating+Rules+Taskforce+EROR+TF
15:10:22 From Gisella Gruber : June 2021 The Hague
15:10:55 From Gisella Gruber : ICANN Meetings: https://meetings.icann.org/en/calendar
15:11:02 From Ricardo Holmquist : Michelle, do you mind to send this link by email, thanks!
15:11:13 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Hamburg will be virutal
15:11:42 From Michelle DeSmyter : @Ricardo - absolutely, I will send to you momentarily
15:17:32 From Roberto : Indeed, EuroDIG 2021 will be in Trieste
15:17:47 From Roberto : +1 OCL, lovely location
15:20:13 From Heidi Ullrich : A request was put in for a f2f funded GA
15:20:22 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : hello all, sry for being late!
15:20:53 From Roberto : In coronavirus times, there is no great difference between funded and unfunded
15:23:01 From Gisella Gruber : Still 16:00 UTC
15:23:06 From Gisella Gruber : Preferred option
15:23:17 From Gisella Gruber : 18:00 CEST
15:23:43 From Roberto : 90 minutes
15:23:51 From Yrjo Lansipuro : 90
15:23:55 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : 90 min
15:24:15 From Roberto : Better to plan for it than to ask people to stay unplanned overtime
15:24:32 From Yrjo Lansipuro : Roberto +1
15:24:48 From Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet : Roberto +1
15:25:00 From Wale Bakare : +1 Eric
15:25:18 From Wale Bakare : 60mins
15:25:31 From Lutz Donnerhacke : I'd prefer 60min to Keep the Agenda strait
15:26:43 From Roberto : If we stay with 60’ I propose that the individual items stay with the allocated time. That means go to next item when the time is out.
15:27:30 From Roberto : Please do not do with EURALO calls what regularly happens with CPWG
15:27:53 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : + to Matthias
15:29:33 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : no i mean 60min is fixed but we will see after a couple of calls if we are able to handle the agenda or not!
15:30:07 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : ah, ok. Agree
15:30:17 From Roberto : +1 Matthias, now that I understand it better
15:31:02 From Roberto : I thought for a moment that young Austrians are becoming … like Italians :-)
15:31:03 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : and can still decide then again if it would make more sense to change it to 90min
15:31:32 From Mate Mester : Sure, go agile.
15:32:04 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : hahah i am close to italy roberto ;-)!
15:32:49 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : -))))
15:32:49 From Erich Schweighofer : Sébastien: +1, flexibility is good.
15:35:21 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : I always agree with the way to be more flexibility-)
15:36:04 From Wale Bakare : let the discussions, perhaps, the agenda of the month be the determinant of 60-min or 90-min
15:36:46 From Lutz Donnerhacke : +1 Wale
15:47:00 From silvia.vivanco : That’s right thanks so much for your collaboration dn very useful inputs Roberto!
15:47:18 From silvia.vivanco : excellent cross- RALO collaboration!
15:47:24 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : Great to be a model for other Ralos-)
15:47:40 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : thanks Roberto
15:47:50 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : I would like to ask Heidi`s daugther to play piano again during our Euralo monthly call-))) Like the best music background-)
15:48:06 From Heidi Ullrich : She is listening :)
15:48:15 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : thank you!
15:48:18 From Heidi Ullrich : And also speaks FR and knows Seb is FR ;)
15:48:19 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : my hugs to her!!!!-)
15:48:23 From Gisella Gruber : Thank you all and TAKE CARE! Be safe and see you all next week virtually
15:48:23 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : thx and gn9!
15:48:28 From Ricardo Holmquist : good night all,
15:48:33 From Roberto : bye
15:48:47 From Mate Mester : Bye everyone
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