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00:16:51 Claudia Ruiz: Welcome All
00:20:29 Evin Erdoğdu: Heidi is on her way
00:21:34 Claudia Ruiz:
00:21:47 Heidi Ullrich: Apologies for my delay!
00:26:17 Marita Moll: @JZ -- that's too bad. People are totally accustomed to more playful learning these days -- static doesn't work as well
00:27:33 Marita Moll: everyone is really addicted to visual/images/things moving
00:28:42 Claudia Ruiz: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99633700/2020-05-14+At-Large+ICANN+Learn+Policy+Course+Text+Call
00:31:07 Marita Moll: People have to learn how to participate -- get over the fear of voicing (or texting) their opinion. Just being there is not enough.
00:31:39 Marita Moll: -- on the topic of getting volunteers into a pdp
00:33:58 Roberto: no questions so far
00:38:29 Justine Chew: Actually, there is no lack of At-Large folks volunteering for SubPro PDP but there is a significant lack of participation on their part. But this situation isn't unique to us though.
00:39:07 Justine Chew: But we cannot force volunteers to do the work.
00:40:09 Alan Greenberg: MAy I please have the floor?
00:42:41 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Ana: how many hours do you spend on EPDP each week?
00:42:51 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Alan, not Ana :-)
00:43:00 Marita Moll: @Justine -- I am always wondering why those people are registered as members -- what do they think? What do they want out of it?
00:43:16 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Justine: how many hours do you spend on SubPro each week?
00:43:26 Justine Chew: Too many!
00:45:40 Maureen Hilyard: There is a lot of email communication in between CPWG calls discussing topics that used to be done in a WG meeting, but people don't have to time to participate in more WGs.
00:45:45 Marita Moll: At Joanna -- I wonder if lots of people know how we do it, they just don't do it
00:46:58 Roberto: @Marita - I think that we have a bit of both - need to improve the knowledge and need to improve participation - and those might be two separate things
00:47:06 Jonathan Zuck: 15 years
00:47:13 Roberto: that we must address in two different ways
00:47:24 Marita Moll: @roberto -- I think that is right
00:48:44 Joanna Kulesza: This sounds very much like every day diplomacy OCL
00:48:46 Joanna Kulesza: :D
00:48:47 Maureen Hilyard: This course is aimed at explaining the whole process to our own At-Large as well as outsiders. So I like the aspirational model and there have been so many changes that are making it more effective than it used to be. And it might mean that the process is evolving = and it has already been so with the OFB-SC being formed to deal with issues that the CPWG doesn't have to deal with.
00:48:52 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: sorry to be late I just woke up was an 0300 call for me and I really rely on dial outs overnight
00:48:56 Marita Moll: death by PDP!!! A new documentary coming out next week
00:50:34 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: indeed that info from Mikey has relevance but it's not a future it is a past / currency
00:51:56 Marita Moll: I think, to begin with, we engage people by finding out which topics they relate to -- and it may only be one topic among many -- but it is a starting off point.
00:52:40 Marita Moll: Taken as a whole, it is all pretty intimidating, but pieces are manageable
00:52:59 Joanna Kulesza: +1 Marita. AN interesting question I have been asked a number of times is how we verify if they have the competence to do the job. WOuld welcome any suggestions on how to respond to these questions.
00:53:35 Maureen Hilyard: I like our current model where people talk about what is their interest topic, and others who are also interested join in.. yet they may be less vocal on issues that they don't know much about or are as interested in
00:55:09 Joanna Kulesza: + 1 Maureen, seems to be the way ICANN operates across the board
00:55:11 Heidi Ullrich: As a capacity building tool, likely current process in policy advice development and policy development would be more useful to the target of the course rather than an aspirational document. In any event, any aspirational doc should need to have the full input and agreement of ALAC/At-Large.
00:56:23 Heidi Ullrich: Perhaps podcasts or other tools could be used instead of a course
00:57:21 Heidi Ullrich: Courses on the current process will allow all members of At-Large to help develop and implement aspirations.
00:59:17 Marita Moll: Perhaps we need to make it clear and possible for people to take up various levels of involvement Lots of people right now are participating in CPWG. Do we know who they are, can we mobilize them?
00:59:47 Joanna Kulesza: +1 Marita
01:00:20 Alan Greenberg: Our problem is that only a very limited number of people will be able to make the commitment that Cheryl alludes to. We need a mid-range focus for those who are really interested in the issue but not able to make the full commitment.
01:02:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We also need broad group think as well
01:03:59 Marita Moll: Will the people currently attending CPWG meetings take this course -- I wonder
01:04:32 Joanna Kulesza: I hope so Marita, esp. if they are new to the group.
01:04:45 Joanna Kulesza: Should let them quickly catch up on how things are being done
01:05:12 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: BUT we also as I fear I often see a bunch of well meaning "sheep" following a shepherd along in the views the oratorical experienced shepherd might have... Greater good people but then democracy kicks in and that is a numbers game and so easy to manipulate... SO foundation training, support peer work Cap Bld all that is part of the tool kit IMO
01:05:33 Heidi Ullrich: There could be sections that target people at different levels - and perhaps note that engagement in At-Large is a journey
01:05:38 Marita Moll: @Joanna -- so the target group is people who already know something, already getting their toes wet
01:06:07 Joanna Kulesza: @MArita they are testing waters, trying to find a space for a deep dive - this is a course in the depth of water at policy making in AtLArge
01:06:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: See in a way @Marita some of the now very engaging and extensive briefing materials we are producing will help in that getting up to speed story.
01:07:14 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yup a 101
01:07:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we need a 101
01:08:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: but we need clinics or labs to assist those in the 101 (or maybe graduates ;-)
01:08:45 Marita Moll: All right @Joanna -- it is important to clarify that -- and your response makes sense. Make sure we have the right target audience
01:09:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: perhaps several level in between @Alan
01:09:51 Roberto: I agree, we need a larger number of people who put a reasonable amount of time
01:11:08 Joanna Kulesza: @Roberto I'm gonna keep saying this is one of the ways to do that.
01:11:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: indeed we do Roberto But in the future now in GNSO PDP3.0 we have the luxury of it not being the numbers game that the open system can be
01:11:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: which is a good thing
01:12:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: he keeps a watching brief on many things
01:12:10 Alan Greenberg: The problem is that the "caucus" is probably the major vehicle that we need to point people to.
01:12:19 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: many of us do (you have to)
01:12:28 Alan Greenberg: Re Greg, if he has started out in At-Large, I would have included him.
01:12:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I can't see that as a problem though @Alan as long as it is well facilitated and equiped
01:13:02 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: as a system
01:13:12 Maureen Hilyard: Greg was invited today
01:13:39 Alan Greenberg: The GNSO cannot get into that level. I is a SG/Constiuejncy issue.
01:13:59 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: JZ/JK do you wish me to make some comments in the draft
01:14:20 Evin Erdoğdu: Document has not yet been submitted, but Betsy from ICANN Learn has access to the doc.
01:14:23 Maureen Hilyard: Be great if everyone took at look at the document again and commented on the comments that have been made already so that changes can be made if required
01:14:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I have NOT been able to to date as I am DOING policy at critical drafting
01:14:25 Heidi Ullrich: As Maureen noted, we might wish to slow this process down to get it right
01:14:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: but happy if you want me to
01:15:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: parallel should work fine indeed this can be kick started
01:15:19 Heidi Ullrich: JZ, I don’t agree with giving it to Betsy at this point
01:15:27 Marita Moll: I think I have said all I have to say -- you guys are doing a good job.
01:15:48 Maureen Hilyard: Jonathan is keen to let Betsy evaluate what is there at the moment and see what she thinks..
01:15:59 Maureen Hilyard: I think this is a good idea..
01:16:13 Maureen Hilyard: But yes. more comments first would be good
01:16:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Noted
01:16:42 Maureen Hilyard: But I think to get some feedback from Betsy on progress would he helpful
01:16:56 Roberto: I think that one of the things that we need to achieve is to let newcomers realise that they can be important contributors even without dedicating 25h per day to the cause
01:16:57 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: deffinatly @Maureen
01:17:57 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: the box with numbers I assumed was aplaceholder
01:18:06 Evin Erdoğdu: Correct @Alan
01:18:43 Evin Erdoğdu: Thank you all
01:18:57 Marita Moll: Thanks all. Bye.
01:19:09 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks again sorry to be late *always call me 24 x 7