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Standing Agenda Items
3. Review of outstanding Action Items from 27 March 2018 ALAC Meeting requiring ALAC involvement - Heidi Ullrich (0 minutes)
Statements approved by the ALAC
Draft Project Plan for the Proposed Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP)
As the principle voice of end users within the ICANN community, the ALAC supported the SSAC in its efforts to address the issue of Name Collisions, while encouraging clarity on the SSAC's bidding process for work contemplated under the Draft Project Plan.Plan to Restart the Root Key Signing Key (KSK) Rollover Process
The ALAC provided several recommendations to ICANN regarding the impending KSK Rollover, and called for a holistic review including a risk assessment of the alternatives, in time for further discussion at ICANN62.Data Protection/Privacy Issues: ICANN-proposed Interim Model
Overall, the ALAC agreed with the Interim Compliance Model’s tiered access approach, while remaining divided on several other issues including purposes of processing WHOIS data, applying the Interim Model on a global basis, and distinction between legal and natural persons.Draft Procedure for Community gTLD Change Requests
Community TLDs are of crucial importance to At-Large. The ALAC supported the Draft Procedure (including the proposed Community gTLD Change Request Form), subject to three provisos articulated in the Statement: (1) Required outreach to the TLD community, (2) Change request comment period, and (3) Approval criteria.ICANN Fellowship Program Community Consultation
The ALAC suggested that changes (i.e. metrics to gauge ROI, tracking outreach and engagement of the Fellows in their respective communities) are required in order to achieve greater effectiveness of the Program, not only to meet At-Large policy goals relating to the DNS.
Statements in process - Draft, Comment or Vote
- Withdrawn Data Protection/Privacy Issues Update: Soliciting Community Input on Article 29 Guidance
Penholder(s): jonathan.zuck, holly.raiche
Due to differing opinion within the ALAC on the submitted Statement, the ALAC Chair requested ICANN withdraw the Statement from Public Comment. - Draft ICANN Reserve Fund: Proposed Replenishment Strategy
Penholder(s): Alan Greenberg - Draft Draft Final Report of the NomCom2 Review
Penholder(s): TBC - Draft CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report
Penholder(s): TBC - Draft Initial Report on Review of the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Charter
Penholder(s): TBC - Draft IPC/BC Accreditation & Access Model for Non-Public Data Note: Not a formal Public Comment.
- Withdrawn Data Protection/Privacy Issues Update: Soliciting Community Input on Article 29 Guidance
Public Comment requests to which the ALT advises not to submit Statements
New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions
- Total number of ALSes: 227 (in 102 countries)
- Recently certified ALSes: #281 ISOC Chapter Indonesia Jakarta - APRALO, #283 Fundación Jaqi Aru - LACRALO, #274 Internet Governance Forum Mauritius - AFRALO, #268 Fantsuam Foundation - AFRALO
- Recently decertified ALSes: None Reference: Decertification Wikispace
- Applications currently being voted on: #286 At-Large North American Graduate Students (NAGS) - NARALO, #280 Action Humanitaire pour le Developpement - AFRALO (Votes to launch Tuesday, 24 April)
- Applications pending: See At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process
- Regional advice awaited for: #284 Red ElDerechoInformatico - LACRALO
Staff processing due diligence for: (ALS) #285 Internet Governance Talks - LACRALO, #282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO
Applications on hold: #270 BSDCongo - AFRALO (awaiting feedback from applicant), #267 Surabhi Softwares - APRALO (applicant not responsive to repeated request for feedback), #112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) - APRALO
- LACRALO Orientation Call to be scheduled the week of 14 May.
Reference: RALO ALS and Individual Orientation Calls: Next RALO TBD - NARALO 06 September 2017, APRALO 19 June 2017
6. Reports – Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)
See: At-Large Reports from WGs,
See: wiki page (now including CSC Liaison Report page)
See: ALAC Monthly Reports wiki page
Note: Usually, little discussion of these reports is scheduled for this meeting. Short comments calling attention to important issues are welcome. Any WG or RALO Chair/Liaison seeking
7. At-Large Review - Next Steps - Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr (8 minutes)
See: At-Large Review Implementation Overview Proposal
8.Policy Issues - Alan Greenberg (35 minutes)
9. At-Large at ICANN 62 - Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber (20 minutes)
See: ICANN 62- Panama - June 2018 Workspace
a. Draft Schedule (Alan and Gisella) (NB: The ALT agreed to have the At-Large schedule by mid-April)
12. 2018 At-Large Elections, Selections and Appointments - Heidi Ullrich, Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)
See: 2018 At-Large Elections, Selections and Appointments Workspace