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Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14     BDB 0617/1


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Comment participer a cette teleconference?

Adobe Connect room


  1. Appel 2’ 
  2. Consultations Publiques Ouvertes (Aziz) 5’
    1. Statements approved by the ALAC
    2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
    3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
      • None
    4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
    5. New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions: 
      • None
  3. Rapports


     4.  Sujets pour information

i.       Révision d’At-Large (Tijani, Sarah) 5’

ii.      Costumer Standing Committee (CSC)  (Mohamed5

iii.     Sous-Groupes de la Seconde phase du travail du CCWG Responsabilité et la Redevabilité (Tijani, Seun) 5’


5.  Sujets pour Discussion


  1. Roll call 2’ 
  2. Open Public comment (Aziz) 5’ 
    1. Statements approved by the ALAC
    2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
    3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
      • None
    4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
    5. New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions: 
      • None


4.    Items for information

         i.    At-Large Review (Tijani, Sarah) 5

        ii.    Customer Standing Committee (CSC) (Mohamed) 5’

       iii.    CCWG Accountability: Sub-Groups of Work stream 2 (Tijani, Seun) 5

5.    Items for Discussion

6.    New ALS Applications (AzizSarah3’
