- Presentation by Peter Kimpian and Q&A
- Posted at link: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/HIzRAwxQUNBg
- Working now to improve all of our understanding of data protection and privacy needs, just as it will be important to understand the needs of other SGs as we move forward
- Right now we are focusing on thin data only, but we will get to other data elements as we move forward
- WG members are encouraged to ask questions and share viewpoints
- Possible Agreement: We as a WG need to agree on a purpose statement for the RDS.
- Note that draft purpose statement developed last fall is contained in section 2.3 of working document posted at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/p4xlAwRAANBg
- Possible Agreement: The answer is "no" for Question 4.1 (above) - that is, existing gTLD RDS policies do NOT sufficiently address compliance with applicable laws about purpose.