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Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/atlas2/
3. Review of ATLAS II PR 2014.05.08 Action Items - Murray McKercher with Staff (10 minutes)
4. Review of Overall ATLAS II Social Media/Content Curation - Progress and Issues – Ariel Liang (10 Minutes)
5. Review of Thematic Group Co-Ordination i.e how ATLAS II is going to work. As subject matter experts for one of the themes shown here (https://icann-community.
net/wiki/display/atlarge/ATLAS+II+Thematic+Group+Coordination), - Wolf Ludwig - Olivier Crepin-Leblond ( 10 Minutes )
6. Update of Potential Keynote Speakers for the ATLAS II Fayre - Murray McKercher (10 mins)