Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14 BDB 0414/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Comment participer a cette teleconference?
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/afralo
- Projet pilote de mobilisation communautaire régional (Community Regional Outreach Pilot Project (CROPP)) (Aziz, Tijani) 5'
- Election du membre du conseil d'administration choisi par At-Large (Tijani) 5'
- Programme Pilote de parrainage de l'ICANN (Aziz, Tijani) 5'
- d. Second sommet At-Large (Tijani, Peters et Baudouin) 5'
- Annonce du gouvernement des États-Unis sur la transition des fonctions de l'IANA fonction à la communauté mondiale (Mohamed, Tijani) 5'
- Recent and upcoming activities of ALAC (Beran, Tijani, Hadja) 5'
- Update on the Singapore Meeting (Hadja, Philip) 5'
- Recent and upcoming activities of AFRALO members (all) 3'
4. Items for Information
- Community Regional Outreach Pilot Project régional (Community Regional Outreach Pilot Project (CROPP) (Aziz, Tijani);5'
- Election of board member Directors chosen by the At-Large - At Large Board Member 2014 Selection results (Tijani) 5'
- ICANN Mentor Program (Aziz, Tijani), 5'
- Working Group on the At-Large Summit II (Tijani, Peters and Baudouin) 5'
- US Government Announcement on transmission of IANA Function to the global community (Mohamed, Tijani) 5'