Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the At-Large Capacity Building Working Group on Thursday 6 August 2015 at 1400 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/n4tCAwUR7vBQ
Maureen Hilyard:I can hear the operator but she obviously can't hear me
Glenn McKnight:Hi All
Gisella Gruber:Welcomet to all those who have joined
Glenn McKnight:Some banging
Glenn McKnight:someone is cooking or something
Glenn McKnight:I am muted
Gisella Gruber:Jeffrey Dunn has joined the call
Rodrigo Saucedo:no
Yasuichi Kitamura:no
Rodrigo Saucedo:Mario Aleman from Nicaragua
Glenn McKnight: YEs I will provide a list of the tools used by IEEE and NTEN
Glenn McKnight:Yes, Mario is the chair of IEEE Nicaragua and the new ALS
Glenn McKnight:@jeff do you have any links>
Glenn McKnight:@Jeff I did a proposal to IEEE on Internet Goverance with a focus on short videos. IEEE round of funding included Internet Goverance
Alberto Soto: I met in Buenos Aires and gave them our welcome. We are in contact by email. We had a representative in Buenos Aires I send a link...
Alberto Soto:
Glenn McKnight:@Jeff we are working on the EBOOK demo with Outreach
Glenn McKnight:@ Jeff I have interviewed a number of the Newcomers ie. Leader of the Armenian Internet
Glenn McKnight:Idea that some groups use is Tricider to get the public voting on topics
Heidi Ullrich:Juan Manuel Robles is the new liaison from the capacity building WG with ICANN Learn :)
Maureen Hilyard:People can watch any webinars even now, after the event
Glenn McKnight:The webinars are always available but the awareness is low
Maureen Hilyard:It would be good to get them all coordinated into a structured programme
Maureen Hilyard:So a course as such would be a great idea
Glenn McKnight:Yes it should have a flyer with a brief description and links
Maureen Hilyard:Exactly
Alberto Soto:@Jeff : We know RALO that many trainees had each course of ICANN learn plataform?
Maureen Hilyard:Sounds great Jeff, from a metrics point of view
Jeffrey Dunn:Please feel free to contact me anytime at
Glenn McKnight:Yes, it's my point that hashtags are tracked, viewership based upon time, Viewer feedback, ie. boring, exciting etc
Jeffrey Dunn:Absolutely @glenn, that's so critical and one of the biggest reasons we're excited about the new site development (beta is at - please feel free to check out the basic courses we have on now.) We are making interactive and video-centric courses that are pretty exciting! For now, check out the platform overall to get started. Thanks!
Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, I don't see coordination with the Capacity Building WG is taking anything away from the APAC Hub work with APRALO. It is only to collaborate more.
Maureen Hilyard:I agree - yes perhaps some feedback from the RALO capacity building programmes to the CBWG
Heidi Ullrich:For example, if there is a topic of interest identified, the Capacity building WG could organize a general, high level webinar. The RALOs who would like, could then organize more regionally specific and dive deeper into the topic
Heidi Ullrich:Accompanying tools could be developed
Maureen Hilyard:The Capacity WG should be the coordination body for all CB activities that are being done across the regions
Maureen Hilyard:We have asked in the past for all the different webinars to be put in one portal so that we can pick and choose from the set of already prepared programmes rather than re-inventing the wheel
Gisella Gruber:@ Tijani - I dont hear you very well
Heidi Ullrich:We can certainly prepare a portal like this, Maureen.
Maureen Hilyard:Great
Heidi Ullrich:Would you like that to be an AI for staff?
Maureen Hilyard:Yes please
Alberto Soto:@ Tijani - I dont hear you very well
Maureen Hilyard:No Tijani.. Heidi is writing up all these action items
Glenn McKnight:I am on the Outreach and Engagement committee already
Alberto Soto:My no for my Enflish!!! Sorry
Maureen Hilyard:perhaps Glenn you could be the liaison person seeing as you are already on the committee
Alberto Soto:English..
Glenn McKnight:sure
Glenn McKnight:The audio is really really poor
Rodrigo Saucedo:lost audio
Alberto Soto:Sorry, I can´t speak, because I talk and cough... Thanks!! Bye!!
Yasuichi Kitamura:thank you, bye
Jeffrey Dunn:Thank you everyone!
Glenn McKnight:by
Glenn McKnight:bye
Ron Sherwood:Bye all
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