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Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
2. Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)
3. Review of ALAC Action Items from the 43rd ICANN Meeting - Olivier (20 min)
4. Review of current ALS applications – Olivier, Staff (5 min)
5. Reports – Olivier (2 min)
See: At-Large Reports from WGs,
RALOs and Liaisons wiki page
ALAC Monthly Reports wiki page
Note: Usually, no discussion of these reports is scheduled for this meeting; the above link is for information only. Any WG or RALO Chair/Liaison seeking to discuss his/her report or a related decision is asked (i) to edit the relevant agenda section under Items for Decision or Items for Discussion before the meeting or (ii) to raise the item when Any Other Business is called for under agenda item 1, before adoption of the agenda.
b. Statements currently being reviewed by the ALAC
i. .com Registry Agreement Renewal
ii. Draft ALAC Statement on the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) - Draft Report - Adopted
iii. Draft ALAC Statement on the Verisign Request to Implement Redemption Grace Period (RGP) for .name - Adopted
iv. Draft ALAC Statement on the Fake Renewal Notices Report - ALAC vote closes 19 April
v. At-Large Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - ALAC vote closes 24 April
vi. Draft ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps - ALAC vote closes 27 April
7. Draft ALAC Statement on the Verisign Request to Implement Redemption Grace Period (RPG) for .name - Discussion and Vote - Alan and Olivier (10 mins)
a. See: Draft ALAC Statement on the Verisign Request to Implement Redemption Grace Period (RPG) for .name
Items for Discussion
8. Update from At-Large Working Groups
a. New gTLD WG (Avri Doria/Cintra Sooknanan)
i. On-line wiki tool for possible At-Large objections to new gTLD applications (Dev Anand Teelucksingh)
iii. COI requirements for Review Group Members
b. At-Large Improvements Taskforce- Cheryl Langdon-Orr
c. ALAC RoP WG and ALAC Metrics Sub-committee - Cheryl Langdon-Orr
d. At-Large Academy WG - Olivier Crepin-Leblond
e. Future Challenges WG - Evan Leibovitch and Jean-Jacques Subrenat
f. Technology Taskforce - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
9. At-Large Prague Meeting Development - Olivier and Staff (10 min)
See: At-Large Prague Workspace, including the At-Large Prague Meeting Agendas
See: ICANN Prague Meeting page
10. Re-instatement of Public SO/AC Sessions during the Prague ICANN Meetings - Olivier (5 min)
a. Call for Suggested Topics for Discussion
11. ALAC Policy Issues to be part of Policy Webinar - Olivier/Staff (5 min)
12. Updating ALAC Top 10 Policy Issues - Next Steps - Olivier (5 min)
13. Updating of At-Large Website - Next Steps - Olivier (5 min)