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Chairs’ Statement – Weekend Sessions 10 & 11 January 2015
Going into the weekend, the CWG conducted two surveys of the whole group in order to get a high-level sense of the group’s views regarding different suggestions made in the submissions from the public comment period. The surveys were based on suggestions arising from the public comment submissions, as well as additional, related questions. The results of the survey were used to guide the CWG in considering the public comments and continuing its work toward development of a final proposal for submission to the ICG.
The meetings were recorded and transcribed and are available on the group’s Wiki, along with the documents presented and the survey results. A quick analysis of the survey results was done in preparation for the weekend and a summary of the findings was presented to the CWG and then systematically discussed by the group.
The CWG began its work in October 2014, with regular weekly virtual meetings and a face-to-face meeting at ICANN 51 in Los Angeles, California. In addition to ICANN supported regular weekly CWG virtual meetings, and at the request of the Chairs, ICANN agreed to support a two-full-day face-to-face meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on 19-20 November 2014 to advance the work of the CWG. On 1 December, the CWG published its draft proposal for a 21-day public comment period. Following the publication of the draft proposal, between 4 – 6 December, the CWG hosted 3 public webinars to present the draft proposal and engage with the broader community. The next CWG working meeting is scheduled for 15 January from 14:00-16:00 UTC.