- Roll Call / Statements of Interest
- Introductions – members of the DT are invited to share information regarding interests, backgrounds, skills, experience especially as related to the DT task
- Principles of transparency and openness
- Election of DT Leaders – Normally a Chair will be selected at the first meeting of the DT. A DT may elect to have co-chars, vice-chairs.
- Items for review: DT task (see https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/jCV-AgEIDcBQ), Section 6 (Charter Guidelines) of the GNSO WG Guidelines (see http://gnso.icann.org/council/annex-1-gnso-wg-guidelines-08apr11-en.pdf) and Charter Template (see attached)
- Development of work plan to develop the charter
- Confirmation of next meeting / next steps